Tool: Spring Cloud Data Flow

I have created a sample with Source, Processor and Sink. The graphical view of the whole app is

enter image description here

As I have an existing application which contains multiple Processor in a single project and enabled at once using code below

@EnableBinding({Processor.class, Processor1.class, Processor2.class})

Then, is there any possibility or configuration required so Data Flow can display all processor from the project?

It's really helpful if the Data Flow display processor with boundary and contains multiple processors in it (Shown in below image)

enter image description here


1 回答 1


SCDF 仪表板尚不支持此功能。

尽管可以使用 Spring Cloud Stream 构建基于多输入/输出的处理器(在同一个应用程序中),但在今天的 SCDF 中,数据管道主要是线性的,具有单输入/输出表示。

我们正在探索在 SCDF 中支持这一点的想法。请随时使用您的用例打开一个新问题,并尽可能详细地说明要求 - 我们可以将其用于验收。

于 2019-09-03T03:47:59.280 回答