
我正在尝试通过 DI 将实体注入到服务中。

实体是通过 Doctrine-JSON-ODM-library ( https://github.com/dunglas/doctrine-json-odm )从数据库中的 JSON 字段(从用户请求中查询)创建的。

我通常会编写一个上下文类,它将请求和存储库返回依赖关系(如此处所述https://blogs.cuttingedge.it/steven/posts/2015/code-smell-injecting-runtime-data-into -组件/)。然而,由于我的依赖依赖于树结构中深度嵌套的数据,这似乎不可行。

/* Doctrine-Entity queried from DB with User-Request-Parameters */
class Page
     * @var Slot[]
     * @ORM\Column(type="json_document", options={"jsonb": true})
    private $slots = [];

/* First level of nesting */
class Slot
    /** @var Components[] */
    private $components;

/* Entity to be injected */
class Component
   // multiple data-fields

// Service which will need to work with the Component-Data
class ComponentRenderService
   // multiple functions which all need (read)-access to the
   // Component-data



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class Service 

    private $entity;

    public function method($entity) // You call this somewhere
       // If I understood you correctly, this is what you need
       $this->entity = $entity; // You set it as a class variable (same as DI does in constructor)

       // do stuff to $this->entity

   public function otherMethod()
      // you can access $this->entity here provided that you called `method` first

于 2019-09-01T15:28:18.057 回答