我可以使用 Android sip stack sipManager 在 sip 地址之间进行调用。但无法从注册的 sip 帐户拨打我的手机号码。高度赞赏任何建议。当我使用任何软 sip 电话时,我可以注册我的 sip 帐户并拨打电话,但不能在 Android SipManager 下使用。
SipProfile.Builder builder;
SipProfile toCall;
try {
builder = new SipProfile.Builder(SENDCALL.toString(), DOMAIN);
// builder = new SipProfile.Builder("0041766666");
// how can i call to mobile number like above. i am able to call to sip address. but do not now how to call to fix mobile numbers.
toCall = builder.build();
// builder.setProtocol("UDP");
// builder.setPort(5090);
SipSession.Listener ssl = new SipSession.Listener() {
public void onCallEnded(SipSession session) {
try {
} catch (SipException e) {
call.makeCall(toCall, manager.createSipSession(profile, ssl), 30);