nvprof用于测量我的示例内核的浮点运算,似乎没有度量标准flop_count_dp_div,而实际的双精度除法运算是根据双精度的 add/mul/fma 甚至一些单精度的 fma 来测量的操作。



#include <iostream>

__global__ void mul(double a, double* x, double* y) {
  y[threadIdx.x] = a * x[threadIdx.x];

__global__ void div(double a, double* x, double* y) {
  y[threadIdx.x] = a / x[threadIdx.x];

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  const int kDataLen = 4;

  double a = 2.0f;
  double host_x[kDataLen] = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f};
  double host_y[kDataLen];

  // Copy input data to device.
  double* device_x;
  double* device_y;
  cudaMalloc(&device_x, kDataLen * sizeof(double));
  cudaMalloc(&device_y, kDataLen * sizeof(double));
  cudaMemcpy(device_x, host_x, kDataLen * sizeof(double),

  // Launch the kernel.
  mul<<<1, kDataLen>>>(a, device_x, device_y);
  div<<<1, kDataLen>>>(a, device_x, device_y);

  // Copy output data to host.
  cudaMemcpy(host_y, device_y, kDataLen * sizeof(double),

  // Print the results.
  for (int i = 0; i < kDataLen; ++i) {
    std::cout << "y[" << i << "] = " << host_y[i] << "\n";

  return 0;


nvprof --metrics flop_count_sp          \
       --metrics flop_count_sp_add      \
       --metrics flop_count_sp_mul      \
       --metrics flop_count_sp_fma      \
       --metrics flop_count_sp_special  \
       --metrics flop_count_dp          \
       --metrics flop_count_dp_add      \
       --metrics flop_count_dp_mul      \
       --metrics flop_count_dp_fma      \
==14380== NVPROF is profiling process 14380, command: ./a.out
==14380== Some kernel(s) will be replayed on device 0 in order to collect all events/metrics.
Replaying kernel "mul(double, double*, double*)" (done)
Replaying kernel "div(double, double*, double*)" (done)
y[0] = 24 internal events
y[1] = 1
y[2] = 0.666667
y[3] = 0.5
==14380== Profiling application: ./a.out
==14380== Profiling result:
==14380== Metric result:
Invocations                               Metric Name                                    Metric Description         Min         Max         Avg
Device "GeForce GTX 1080 Ti (0)"
    Kernel: mul(double, double*, double*)
          1                             flop_count_sp           Floating Point Operations(Single Precision)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_sp_add       Floating Point Operations(Single Precision Add)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_sp_mul        Floating Point Operation(Single Precision Mul)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_sp_fma       Floating Point Operations(Single Precision FMA)           0           0           0
          1                     flop_count_sp_special   Floating Point Operations(Single Precision Special)           0           0           0
          1                             flop_count_dp           Floating Point Operations(Double Precision)           4           4           4
          1                         flop_count_dp_add       Floating Point Operations(Double Precision Add)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_dp_mul       Floating Point Operations(Double Precision Mul)           4           4           4
          1                         flop_count_dp_fma       Floating Point Operations(Double Precision FMA)           0           0           0
    Kernel: div(double, double*, double*)
          1                             flop_count_sp           Floating Point Operations(Single Precision)           8           8           8
          1                         flop_count_sp_add       Floating Point Operations(Single Precision Add)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_sp_mul        Floating Point Operation(Single Precision Mul)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_sp_fma       Floating Point Operations(Single Precision FMA)           4           4           4
          1                     flop_count_sp_special   Floating Point Operations(Single Precision Special)           4           4           4
          1                             flop_count_dp           Floating Point Operations(Double Precision)          44          44          44
          1                         flop_count_dp_add       Floating Point Operations(Double Precision Add)           0           0           0
          1                         flop_count_dp_mul       Floating Point Operations(Double Precision Mul)           4           4           4
          1                         flop_count_dp_fma       Floating Point Operations(Double Precision FMA)          20          20          20


1 回答 1


flop_count_dp_div, t 似乎没有指标

因为 CUDA 硬件中没有浮点除法指令。

而实际的双精度除法运算是根据双精度的 add/mul/fma 甚至一些单精度运算的 fma 来衡量的。

因为浮点除法是使用 Newton Raphson 迭代方法实现的,该方法使用乘加和乘法运算。甚至可能是混合精度(因此是单精度操作)

如果我没有源代码,如何从 nvprof 报告中推断出内核的动态除法操作数?


于 2019-08-30T14:22:43.017 回答