如果使用vulkan 1.2:
$ ./glslangValidator.exe my_input.vert.glsl -S vert --target-env vulkan1.2 -o my_output.vert.spv
#version 450
//: -------------------------------------------------------- ://
//: How to compile: ://
//: $ ./glslangValidator.exe MCV.vert.glsl ://
//: -S vert ://
//: --target-env vulkan1.2 ://
//: -o mcv.vert.spv ://
//: ://
//: Formatted for readability. Command should all be on ://
//: one line when given to console. ://
//: -------------------------------------------------------- ://
//: ://
//: Got Help From Vulkan Discord: ://
//: ://
//: Rodrigo#1643 : ://
//: ://
//: gl_VertexIndex is gl_VertexID ://
//: gl_BaseVertex in other words,gl_VertexID ://
//: does not include the base vertex,which was ://
//: confusing for some people,specially because ://
//: D3D always included the base vertex ://
//: ://
//: ://
//: ://
//: Implodee#0345 : ://
//: ://
//: In Vulkan dialect glsl there's no gl_VertexID ://
//: and gl_InstanceID they are replaced by ://
//: gl_VertexIndex and gl_InstanceIndex as seen here ://
//: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/GLSL ://
//: /master/extensions/khr/GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl.txt ://
//: ://
//: ://
//: Me : ://
//: ://
//: $ ./glslangValidator MCV.vert.glsl -S vert ://
//: MCV.vert.glsl ://
//: ERROR: 0:45: 'gl_InstanceIndex' : undeclared identifier ://
//: ERROR: 0:45: '[]' : scalar integer expression required ://
//: ERROR: 0:45: '' : compilation terminated ://
//: ERROR: 3 compilation errors. No code generated. ://
//: ://
//: ://
//: Implodee#0345 : ://
//: ://
//: call it with --target-env vulkan1.2 ://
//: (or your used vulkan version rather) ://
//: see if that works ://
//: ://
//: ://
//: #define V_I ( gl_VertexID + gl_BaseVertex ) //:WRONG
//: #define V_I ( gl_VertexIndex + gl_InstanceIndex ) //:1.2
//: -------------------------------------------------------- ://
#define V_I gl_VertexIndex
layout( location = 0 ) out vec3 fragColor ;
vec2 positions[3] = vec2[](
vec2( 0.0 , -0.5 )
, vec2( 0.5 , 0.5 )
, vec2(-0.5 , 0.5 )
vec3 colors[3] = vec3[](
vec3( 1.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )
, vec3( 0.0 , 1.0 , 0.0 )
, vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 )
void main(){
gl_Position = vec4(
positions[ V_I ] //: XY ://
, 0.0 //: Z ://
, 1.0 //: W ://
fragColor = colors[ V_I ];
#undef V_I
https ://vulkan-tutorial.com/Drawing_a_triangle/Graphics_pipeline_basics/Shader_modules