i want restore a soft deleted entity in apache atlas, cause i want to delete the classification tagged on that entity.

i'm using atlas for data governance in HDP cluster. And i deleted an entity without deleting the classification tagged on that. When i want to delete the classification tagged on that entity, it turns out i can't delete that classification. Cause the tagged entity was soft deleted, so atlas thought the classification i want to delete still have references. So i want to restore the soft deleted entity, i found there are no API support restore in Atlas 7.0, so i try to change the data in related Solr index and Hbase tables. I changed the data in Solr index "vertex_index" from "DELETED" TO "ACTIVE', and the data in Hbase table "ATLAS_ENTITY_AUDIT_EVENTS" show the entity status is "ACTIVE". But when i search it in Atlas UI, it still shows that the entity is 'DELETED'. So, i'm wondering do i miss some thing, can anyone know where exactly atlas store its entity data, and if i can't restore that data, can i delete it in the database or some where else?


1 回答 1


您可以直接删除与已删除实体关联的分类。Atlas 提供了相同的 REST API。“/v2/entity/guid/{guid}/classification/{classificationName}”

于 2020-06-16T08:14:46.437 回答