I am busy with implementing payments using Sage Pay direct protocol 3.0 (4,0 unavailable yet as I understand)
- I register transaction using vspdirect-register.vsp
- I redirect user to ACSURL with MD, PAReq and TermUrl using POST
- I catch user on TermUrl and check transaction status using direct3dcallback.vsp with MD and PARes
BUT on this stage I always get:
- StatusDetail: '0000 : The Authorisation was Successful.',
- AddressResult: 'MATCHED',
- PostCodeResult: 'MATCHED',
- CV2Result: 'MATCHED',
- '3DSecureStatus': 'ERROR'
Using MySagePay tools I get an explanation like :
3D secure status The authentication callback message was MALFORMED. No 3D-Authentication occurred! ERROR
Attempt 1
ECI result Unknown result type
How can I debug this error?
Is it normal that I get status OK even when 3DSecureStatus : ERROR ?