我正在为我的应用程序使用 FirebaseAuth 和 Firestore。
'User' 是一个模型,它代表 Firestore 上的文档,并使用 FirebaseUser 的 uid 作为其 DocumentId。
为了获得“用户”,我必须从 FirebaseUser 传入 uid。
我的想法是设置一个 FirebaseUser 的 StreamProvider,然后设置另一个 User 的 StreamProvider,它以 FirebaseUser 作为参数。
List<SingleChildCloneableWidget> uiConsumableProviders = [
builder: (context) => Provider.of<LoginNotifier>(context, listen: false).streamFirebaseUser,
builder: (context) =>
Provider.of<UserNotifier>(context, listen: false).streamUser(Provider.of<FirebaseUser>(context)),
I/flutter (15813): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
I/flutter (15813): The following assertion was thrown building InheritedProvider<FirebaseUser>:
I/flutter (15813): inheritFromWidgetOfExactType(InheritedProvider<FirebaseUser>) or inheritFromElement() was called
I/flutter (15813): before BuilderStateDelegate<Stream<User>>.initDelegate() completed.
I/flutter (15813):
I/flutter (15813): When an inherited widget changes, for example if the value of Theme.of()
I/flutter (15813): changes, its dependent widgets are rebuilt. If the dependent widget's reference
I/flutter (15813): to the inherited widget is in a constructor or an initDelegate() method, then
I/flutter (15813): the rebuilt dependent widget will not reflect the changes in the inherited
I/flutter (15813): widget.
I/flutter (15813):
I/flutter (15813): Typically references to inherited widgets should occur in widget build()
I/flutter (15813): methods. Alternatively, initialization based on inherited widgets can be placed
I/flutter (15813): in the didChangeDependencies method, which is called after initDelegate and
I/flutter (15813): whenever the dependencies change thereafter.
I/flutter (15813):