<div id="wrapper">
<div id="scroll">
现在,#wrapper 有一个设定的高度,比如 500 像素,而 #scroll 有一个更长的高度,比如 3000 像素。
var hoverInterval, yPos, offset, objHeight
//when the mouse moves in #wrapper, find the height of the object
//and the relative position of the mouse within the object.
objHeight = this.offsetHeight
yPos = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
$("#wrapper").hover( //when the user hovers w/i #wrapper...
hoverInterval = setInterval(function(){
factor = (100*yPos)/objHeight //gives a range from 0-100
move = ( -3+( ( Math.pow(factor-50,2))/56))/8
/*this provides a bell curve, so that as
*the user hovers closer to the extremes,
*/#scroll will scroll faster up and down.
if ( move > 0 ) { //prevents movement when in the middle
if (yPos <= objHeight*.5 ) {
else if (yPos >= objHeight*.5){
{"top": "-="+move+"px"},"slow","easeOutExpo")
},10); //setInterval's timeout
function(){ //and stop at mouse off.
现在这样做是,当用户在#wrapper 中悬停更高或更低时,#scroll 滚动得更快,中间有一个死区。但是当用户滚动离开#wrapper 时,它会突然停止。当用户停止将鼠标悬停在#wrapper 上时,关于如何优雅地停止此操作的任何想法?