关于我使用的以下描述 pod 的日志,我的 pod 由于“FailedCreatePodSandBox”而陷入挂起状态</p>
有一些关键说明:-我使用印花布作为 CNI。- 这个日志重复多次,我只是把这个作为样本过去。- ip 属于入口,129 属于 k8s 的监控 NS 中的分蘖,我不知道为什么 k8s 会尝试将其绑定到另一个 pod。
Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 2m56s kubelet, worker-dev Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "2abca59b55efb476723ec9c4402ede6e3a6ee9aed67ecd19c3ef5c7719ae51f1" network for pod "service-stg-8d9d68475-2h4b8": NetworkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "service-stg-8d9d68475-2h4b8_stg" network: error adding host side routes for interface: cali670b0a20d66, error: route (Ifindex: 10688, Dst:, Scope: 253) already exists for an interface other than 'cali670b0a20d66'
Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 2m53s kubelet, worker-dev Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "ec155fd442c0ea09b282a13c4399ae25b97d5c3786f90f1a045449b52ced4cb7" network for pod "service-stg-8d9d68475-2h4b8": NetworkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "service-stg-8d9d68475-2h4b8_stg" network: error adding host side routes for interface: cali670b0a20d66, error: route (Ifindex: 10691, Dst:, Scope: 253) already exists for an interface other than 'cali670b0a20d66'