I started to use Jackrabbit in my project. As i found out there is no complex LoginModule and AccessManager given. I mean we can find SimpleLoginModule but it is just a mock. What i need is a simple LoginModule which can be configured eg from a file with users, passwords and groups. I know that i can implement my own classes, but it is hard to believe that after so many years there is no ready solution...


2 回答 2


有几个基于 Jackrabbit 的开源/闭源项目,它们使用 JCR 作为他们的参考实现并具有实现。很可能您最好选择其中之一,以免重新发明轮子。完整列表:http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Jackrabbit

于 2011-06-01T00:40:28.027 回答

您是在应用服务器还是 Web 容器中运行?如果是这样,您通常会期望容器提供 JAAS 实现。例如,有关如何使用 Jetty 进行设置、将用户信息存储在数据库、属性文件或 LDAP 中的说明,请参阅:

于 2011-06-12T16:38:47.400 回答