客户端数据的 Hyperstack 更新在本地工作,但在应用程序部署到 Heroku 之后就不行了。

我们正在使用一个小型 Rails 5 应用程序来探索如何将旧版 Rails 应用程序与 Hyperstack 功能相结合。

更新 rails 表单(恰好在 Bootstrap 中),例如:

    = form.label :cargo, "Cargo", class: "col-md-4 control-label" 
      = form.text_area :cargo, class: "form-control"
    = form.submit

对 Hyperstack Dashboard 中的更新事件做出反应:

      H5 { '(click to expand)' }

 Shipment.send(match.params[:scope]).search_for(@search_string.strip).each do |shipment|
        LI(class: 'roll365-list'){ ShipmentItem(shipment: shipment) }
      end #shipment```

An update to the Shipment form data should immediately update the Hyperstack dashboard page.  On Dev it does, on Heroku it doesn't.  This update is dynamic and occurs quickly so it's not terrible useful to display the effect in a static text!

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您必须做几件事才能通过 action-cable 启用推送通知

请参阅此问题以获取解释:https ://github.com/hyperstack-org/hyperstack/issues/230

于 2019-08-21T18:00:32.697 回答