你如何重试Laravel Horizon 中所有失败的工作?似乎没有“全部重试”按钮,并且由于失败的作业未存储在表中,因此 artisan 命令不起作用。
2 回答
代替单个作业 ID:
php artisan queue:retry all
这会将所有失败的作业推回您的 redis 队列以重试:
The failed job [44] has been pushed back onto the queue!
The failed job [43] has been pushed back onto the queue!
php artisan queue:failed-table
php artisan migrate
那么你可能会上一条小溪。也许尝试手动与 redis 交互并尝试直接访问失败的作业列表(假设失败的作业条目没有被擦除 - 看起来他们默认在 redis 中保留一周,基于 config 中的设置config/horizon.php
as the failed jobs aren't stored in a table
Actually, you should create that table. From the Laravel Horizon documentation:
You should also create the
table which Laravel will use to store any failed queue jobs:php artisan queue:failed-table php artisan migrate
Then, to retry failed jobs:
Retrying Failed Jobs
To view all of your failed jobs that have been inserted into your
database table, you may use thequeue:failed
Artisan command:php artisan queue:failed
command will list the job ID, connection, queue, and failure time. The job ID may be used to retry the failed job. For instance, to retry a failed job that has an ID of 5, issue the following command:php artisan queue:retry 5