I've loaded the project to the Apify cloud and as I run it with input, the problem is so funny: No input
found!. It works smooth at my PC though.
Run log:
2019-08-20T13:17:57.313Z ACTOR: Creating Docker container.
2019-08-20T13:17:58.013Z ACTOR: Starting Docker container.
2019-08-20T13:17:59.614Z INFO: System info {"apifyVersion":"0.13.7","apifyClientVersion":"0.5.14","osType":"Linux","nodeVersion":"v10.16.0"}
2019-08-20T13:18:00.081Z input: null
2019-08-20T13:18:00.083Z The function passed to Apify.main() threw an exception:
2019-08-20T13:18:00.085Z TypeError: Cannot read property 'concurrency' of null
2019-08-20T13:18:00.086Z at Apify.main (/home/myuser/main.js:71:36)
2019-08-20T13:18:00.087Z at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
"page_handle_max_wait_time" : 2,
"concurrency" : 6,
"max_requests_per_crawl" : 10000,
"retireInstanceAfterRequestCount": 5000,
The code has a decent way to call for the INPUT:
const store = await Apify.openKeyValueStore('default');
const input = await store.getValue('INPUT');
console.log('input:', input);
The log shows the input variable is null
Can you explain why?