I'm looking for a good AIML(Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) in Java, that I could embedded in a much larger java application. It would be nice if I can use a database to store the aiml files.

So far I found

a) Program D: http://aitools.org/
b) Program W: http://programw.sourceforge.net/
c) Charliebot: sourceforge.net/projects/charliebot/

b) and c) are based on Program D.

I looked at program D documentation but I didn't find anything that couldn't fin a simple example of how to embedded this into an apllication, in case you can do this.

My application will have multiple bots, every bot with separate config files and aiml files. I want to use a database because users can edit a certain node from aiml files and I think this is much easier and safe to implement.

If you know other apis please tell me, or if you know how to embedded a current one I would appreciate an example. Thanks


2 回答 2


程序 O有一个数据库后端。它是用 php 编写的,但它可以用作转换为另一种语言的基础(在我的情况下为 ColdFusion)

于 2011-11-17T08:57:27.613 回答

我遇到了同样的问题,遇到了Program AB,它是 AIML 2.0 的 java 实现,可在此处获得。它在 github 上有很多分支,这表明它还活着。

于 2015-07-01T15:56:36.533 回答