对于我的 e2e 测试,我正在启动一个单独的集群,我想将我的生产 TLS 证书导入其中。我无法在两个集群之间切换上下文(从一个导出/获取以及导入/应用(输入)到另一个),因为集群似乎不可见。
我使用 GitLab CI 提取了一个 MVCE,并在.gitlab-ci.yml
- main
- tear-down
image: google/cloud-sdk
stage: main
- echo "$GOOGLE_KEY" > key.json
- gcloud config set project secret-transfer
- gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json --project secret-transfer
- gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
- gcloud container clusters create secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID --project secret-transfer --machine-type=f1-micro
- kubectl create secret generic secret-1 --from-literal=key=value
- gcloud container clusters create secret-transfer-2-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID --project secret-transfer --machine-type=f1-micro
- gcloud config set container/use_client_certificate True
- gcloud config set container/cluster secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID
- kubectl get secret letsencrypt-prod --cluster=secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID -o yaml > secret-1.yml
- gcloud config set container/cluster secret-transfer-2-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID
- kubectl apply --cluster=secret-transfer-2-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID -f secret-1.yml
image: google/cloud-sdk
stage: tear-down
when: always
- echo "$GOOGLE_KEY" > key.json
- gcloud config set project secret-transfer
- gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json
- gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
- gcloud container clusters delete --quiet secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID
- gcloud container clusters delete --quiet secret-transfer-2-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID
语句以避免error: no server found for cluster "secret-transfer-1-...-..."
,激活了 Kubernetes API 并获得了我在环境变量中提供的 Compute Engine 服务帐户的 JSON 密钥GOOGLE_KEY
$ echo "$GOOGLE_KEY" > key.json
$ gcloud config set project secret-transfer
Updated property [core/project].
$ gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json --project secret-transfer
Activated service account credentials for: [131478687181-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com]
$ gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-a
Updated property [compute/zone].
$ gcloud container clusters create secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID --project secret-transfer --machine-type=f1-micro
WARNING: In June 2019, node auto-upgrade will be enabled by default for newly created clusters and node pools. To disable it, use the `--no-enable-autoupgrade` flag.
WARNING: Starting in 1.12, new clusters will have basic authentication disabled by default. Basic authentication can be enabled (or disabled) manually using the `--[no-]enable-basic-auth` flag.
WARNING: Starting in 1.12, new clusters will not have a client certificate issued. You can manually enable (or disable) the issuance of the client certificate using the `--[no-]issue-client-certificate` flag.
WARNING: Currently VPC-native is not the default mode during cluster creation. In the future, this will become the default mode and can be disabled using `--no-enable-ip-alias` flag. Use `--[no-]enable-ip-alias` flag to suppress this warning.
WARNING: Starting in 1.12, default node pools in new clusters will have their legacy Compute Engine instance metadata endpoints disabled by default. To create a cluster with legacy instance metadata endpoints disabled in the default node pool, run `clusters create` with the flag `--metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true`.
WARNING: Your Pod address range (`--cluster-ipv4-cidr`) can accommodate at most 1008 node(s).
This will enable the autorepair feature for nodes. Please see https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/node-auto-repair for more information on node autorepairs.
Creating cluster secret-transfer-1-9b219ea8-9 in us-central1-a...
Created [https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/secret-transfer/zones/us-central1-a/clusters/secret-transfer-1-9b219ea8-9].
To inspect the contents of your cluster, go to: https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/workload_/gcloud/us-central1-a/secret-transfer-1-9b219ea8-9?project=secret-transfer
kubeconfig entry generated for secret-transfer-1-9b219ea8-9.
secret-transfer-1-9b219ea8-9 us-central1-a 1.12.8-gke.10 f1-micro 1.12.8-gke.10 3 RUNNING
$ kubectl create secret generic secret-1 --from-literal=key=value
secret/secret-1 created
$ gcloud container clusters create secret-transfer-2-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID --project secret-transfer --machine-type=f1-micro
WARNING: In June 2019, node auto-upgrade will be enabled by default for newly created clusters and node pools. To disable it, use the `--no-enable-autoupgrade` flag.
WARNING: Starting in 1.12, new clusters will have basic authentication disabled by default. Basic authentication can be enabled (or disabled) manually using the `--[no-]enable-basic-auth` flag.
WARNING: Starting in 1.12, new clusters will not have a client certificate issued. You can manually enable (or disable) the issuance of the client certificate using the `--[no-]issue-client-certificate` flag.
WARNING: Currently VPC-native is not the default mode during cluster creation. In the future, this will become the default mode and can be disabled using `--no-enable-ip-alias` flag. Use `--[no-]enable-ip-alias` flag to suppress this warning.
WARNING: Starting in 1.12, default node pools in new clusters will have their legacy Compute Engine instance metadata endpoints disabled by default. To create a cluster with legacy instance metadata endpoints disabled in the default node pool, run `clusters create` with the flag `--metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true`.
WARNING: Your Pod address range (`--cluster-ipv4-cidr`) can accommodate at most 1008 node(s).
This will enable the autorepair feature for nodes. Please see https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/node-auto-repair for more information on node autorepairs.
Creating cluster secret-transfer-2-9b219ea8-9 in us-central1-a...
Created [https://container.googleapis.com/v1/projects/secret-transfer/zones/us-central1-a/clusters/secret-transfer-2-9b219ea8-9].
To inspect the contents of your cluster, go to: https://console.cloud.google.com/kubernetes/workload_/gcloud/us-central1-a/secret-transfer-2-9b219ea8-9?project=secret-transfer
kubeconfig entry generated for secret-transfer-2-9b219ea8-9.
secret-transfer-2-9b219ea8-9 us-central1-a 1.12.8-gke.10 f1-micro 1.12.8-gke.10 3 RUNNING
$ gcloud config set container/use_client_certificate True
Updated property [container/use_client_certificate].
$ gcloud config set container/cluster secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID
Updated property [container/cluster].
$ kubectl get secret secret-1 --cluster=secret-transfer-1-$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA-$CI_PIPELINE_IID -o yaml > secret-1.yml
error: no server found for cluster "secret-transfer-1-9b219ea8-9"
我期待kubectl get secret