我正在尝试 AWS CDK 并在尝试执行取决于堆栈完成的代码块时卡住了。


class Application extends cdk.Construct {
    constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {
        super(scope, id);
        const webStack = new WebsiteStack(app, `website-stack-${id}`, { stage: id })
        const buildStack = new CodeBuildStack(app, `codebuild-stack-${id}`, { stage:id, bucket: webStack.websiteBucket, distribution: webStack.websiteDistribution });
        this.generateBuildParameter(id, webStack, buildStack)

    generateBuildParameter(id: string, webStack: WebsiteStack, buildStack: CodeBuildStack) {
        const buildParam = {
            projectName: buildStack.buildProject.projectName,
            sourceVersion: id,
            environmentVariablesOverride: [
              { name: "STAGE", value: id, type: "PLAINTEXT" },
              { name: "WEBSITE_BUCKET", value: webStack.websiteBucket.bucketName, type: "PLAINTEXT" },
              { name: "CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_ID", value: webStack.websiteDistribution.distributionId, "type": "PLAINTEXT" }
            buildspecOverride: "./buildspec.yml"
        fse.outputJson(`./cdk.out/build-parameters/build-${id}.json`, buildParam, (err: Error) => {
            if (err) {
                throw err
            console.log(`build parameter has been created in "../cdk.out/build-parameters/build-${id}.json"`);

我只是想生成一个依赖于buildStack. 但是,它似乎并没有等待堆栈完成。



AWS CDK 是否支持 Promise 或某种等待堆栈完成的方式?


1 回答 1


如果您尝试引用将生成的 CloudFront 分配 ID 等“动态”内容,我可能会尝试使用 2 个不同的堆栈,并且其中一个依赖于另一个。




var s1 = new stackOne();
var s2 = new stackTwo().addDependency(s1);

这篇博文对我很有帮助:https ://lanwen.ru/posts/aws-cdk-edge-lambda/

编辑:一些在堆栈之间共享资源的实际示例。StackA 创建 CloudFront 分配(分配的 ID 是动态的)

StackB 需要 CloudFront 分配 ID 来设置警报。

// stackA
export class CloudFrontStack extends cdk.Stack {
  readonly distribution: cf.CloudFrontWebDistribution;
  constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
 distribution = new cf.CloudFrontWebDistribution(this, 'my-cloud-front-dist', {//props here...} );

// stack B
export class AlarmStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, cloudfrontDistributionId: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);   
    new alarm.Alarm()// alarm definition, need ID of CF Distribution here.

//index.ts where everything is linked:
const app = new cdk.App();
const stack1= new CloudFrontStack(app, 'CFStack1');
const stack2= new AlarmStack(app, 'AlarmStack', stack1.distribution.distributionId);
// you can even specify that stack2 cannot be created unless stack1 succeeds.

EDIT2:对于使用在堆栈构建后和 CDK 之外创建的资源,我能想到的最简单的方法是定义 CfnOutputs,然后使用 CLI 手动或在 CI/CD 管道中查询 AWS api如果我们之后要自动化更多的事情。

示例 2:使用前面的示例,我们将定义一个名为 CloudFront-DistributioId 的输出,并使用 CLI 对其进行查询。

// stackA
export class CloudFrontStack extends cdk.Stack {
  readonly distribution: cf.CloudFrontWebDistribution;
  constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
    super(scope, id, props);
 distribution = new cf.CloudFrontWebDistribution(this, 'my-cloud-front-dist', {//props here...} );

// define a cloud formation output so we can query later  
new CfnOutput(this, 'CloudFront-DistributionId', {
  exportName: 'CloudFront-DistributionId',
  value: cloudFrontDistribution.distributionId,
  description: 'The dynamic value created by aws of our CloudFront distribution id. '

After the stack is created, in the pipeline/cli, use the following command to get the value of the variable:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name CloudFrontStack --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='CloudFront-DistributionId'].OutputValue"

This will produce the Distribution ID that was created after the stack built.

于 2019-08-16T11:51:05.823 回答