我一直在尝试采用几个简单的 MooTools 操作的逻辑并将其转换为与 jQuery 一起使用。

我想要的逻辑是这个jsfiddle它允许的是通过 css 调整大小在画布元素上获得准确的鼠标位置。



到目前为止,这是我用 arby 的逻辑所做的,他的回答被注释掉了

// Get the change ratio for the new css set size
//var cssScale = [canvas.getSize().x / canvas.get('width'), canvas.getSize().y / canvas.get('height')];
var cssScale = [$('canvas').height() / $('canvas').attr('height'), $('canvas').width() / $('canvas').attr('$('canvas').height() / $('canvas').attr('height'),')]

//Create an object of the dimensions
// I think from my looking at the jsfiddle x&y is the position of the rect in his canvas
// and w&h are the height and width of that rect so it's not really necessary for my problem which
// is just getting mouse cords accuratly.
//this.setDims(x*cssScale[0], y*cssScale[1], w*cssScale[0], h*cssScale[1]);

// This is the offset of the clickable square in his code.
//this.offset = [x - this.dims[0], y - this.dims[1]];

// Now I do not know what this is
// If the offset is just for position in their code why is it used here
// How can you display just scaled mouse position
this.x = (x - this.offset[0]) / cssScale[0] + w * .5;
this.y = (y - this.offset[1]) / cssScale[1] + h * .5;

1 回答 1


我使用纯 JavaScript做了一个小演示。我有一篇博客文章解释了这个过程。


于 2011-04-24T23:31:31.313 回答