我正在寻找解决方案,我可以从字符串中的搜索关键字中获取 -nth +nth 个单词


string searchString= "For several years I’ve had a little “utility” function that I’ve used in several projects that I use to convert property names into strings. One use case is for instance when mapping code to some data source or third party API that where the names are used as keys...";
string keywordToSearch="instance";
int wordsToFetch=5;



using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var sentence = "For several years I’ve had a little “utility” function that I’ve used in several projects that I use to convert property names into strings. One use case is for instance when mapping code to some data source or third party API that where the names are used as keys. The method uses “static reflection”, or rather it parses the expression tree from a lambda expression, to figure out the name of a property that the lambda expression returns the value of.Look, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else.";
        var keyword = "instance";
      var keyToSearch = new Regex("[^.!?;]*(" + keyword + ")[^.!?;]*");
            var m = keyToSearch.Matches(sentence);

            var result1 = Enumerable.Range(0, m.Count).Select(index => m[index].Value).ToList();

        Console.WriteLine("Output:- {0} ",result1[0]);



输出:- 一个用例是例如将代码映射到某些数据源或第三方 API,其中名称用作键



2 回答 2



using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace Foo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
             var sentence = "For several years I’ve had a little “utility” function that I’ve used in several projects that I use to convert property names into strings. One use case is for instance when mapping code to some data source or third party API that where the names are used as keys. The method uses “static reflection”, or rather it parses the expression tree from a lambda expression, to figure out the name of a property that the lambda expression returns the value of.Look, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else.";
            var keyword = "instance";

            var words = sentence.Split(' ').ToArray(); // split into words
            int index = Array.FindIndex(words, w => w.Equals(keyword)); // find the index within
            // take 11 words from 5 before the index of your keyword
            var r = Enumerable
                .Range(index - 5, 11)
                .Select(i => words[i]);
            var result = string.Join(' ', r);

            Console.WriteLine("Output:- {0} ", result);


  1. 多场比赛
  2. 匹配不同的情况
  3. IndexOutOfRangeException获得所需单词时的可能性
于 2019-08-11T08:21:18.160 回答

感谢@ath 得到了解决方案

using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
            var sentence = "case is for instance doooo mapping code to some data source or third party API that where the names are used as keys. The method uses “static reflection”, or rather it parses the expression tree from a lambda expression, to figure out the name of a property that the lambda expression returns the value of.Look, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else.For several years I’ve had a little “utility” function that I’ve used in several projects that I use to convert property names into strings. One use case is for instance when mapping code to some data source or third party API that where the names are used as keys. The method uses “static reflection”, or rather it parses the expression tree from a lambda expression, to figure out the name of a property that the lambda expression returns the value of.Look, good against remotes is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else.";
            var keyword = "instance";

            int wordFreq = 2;
            var words = sentence.Split(' ').ToArray(); // split into words
            int foundndex = Array.FindIndex(words, w => w.Equals(keyword)); // find the index within
                                                                            // take wordFreq words from wordFreq before the index of your keyword
            var wordsArray = Enumerable
                    .Range((foundndex - wordFreq) > 0 ? (foundndex - wordFreq) : 0, (wordFreq*2+1 > (words.Length)-1) ? (words.Length)-1 : wordFreq*2+1 )
                    .Select(i => words[i]).ToArray();            

            var outPut = string.Join(" ", wordsArray);

            Console.WriteLine("Output:- {0} ",outPut);              



于 2019-08-11T12:51:13.147 回答