鉴于公共文件路径在具有范围存储的 Android Q 中通常不可用,我试图弄清楚如何使我的 FFmpeg 音频解码器与文件描述符一起工作,而不会将文件复制到我的应用程序的私有目录中。

我们可以使用Android Q 隐私更改中描述的方法轻松获取文件描述符,并且可以使用管道协议打开文件描述符,如将本机 fd int 从可打开的 URI 传递给 FFMPEG 中所述。但是,av_seek_frame使用 的持续时间成员无法搜索结果,并且持续时间也不可用AVFormatContext

有没有办法使用 FFmpeg 查找文件描述符并检索持续时间?


2 回答 2



我很好奇为什么有必要通过管道协议打开文件描述符? sView 播放器通过自定义AVIOContext打开文件描述符,这是可搜索的,至少在旧测试版本的 Android 上是可搜索的。这是使用自定义 AVIOContext 打开 AVFormatContext 的伪代码。

    int aFileDescriptor = myResMgr->openFileDescriptor(theFileToLoad);
    AVFormatContext* aFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
    StAVIOContext myAvioContext;
    if(!myAvioContext.openFromDescriptor(aFileDescriptor, "rb")) {
       // error

    aFormatCtx->pb = myAvioContext.getAvioContext();
    int avErrCode = avformat_open_input(&aFormatCtx, theFileToLoad, NULL, NULL);

下面是提取简化的 StAVIOFileContext 类定义的尝试。

//! Wrapper over AVIOContext for passing the custom I/O.
class StAVIOContext {
  //! Main constructor.
  StAVIOContext() {
    const int aBufferSize = 32768;
    unsigned char* aBufferIO = (unsigned char* )av_malloc(aBufferSize + AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
    AVIOContext* myAvioCtx = avio_alloc_context (aBufferIO, aBufferSize, 0, this, readCallback, writeCallback, seekCallback);

  //! Destructor.
  virtual ~StAVIOContext() {
    if (myAvioCtx != NULL) { av_free (myAvioCtx); }

  //! Close the file.
  void close() {
    if(myFile != NULL) {
        myFile = NULL;

  //! Associate a stream with a file that was previously opened for low-level I/O.
  //! The associated file will be automatically closed on destruction.
  bool openFromDescriptor(int theFD, const char* theMode) {
  #ifdef _WIN32
    myFile = ::_fdopen(theFD, theMode);
    myFile =  ::fdopen(theFD, theMode);
    return myFile != NULL;

  //! Access AVIO context.
  AVIOContext* getAvioContext() const { return myAvioCtx; }


  //! Virtual method for reading the data.
  virtual int read (uint8_t* theBuf,
                    int theBufSize) {
    if(myFile == NULL) { return -1; }

    int aNbRead = (int )::fread(theBuf, 1, theBufSize, myFile);
    if(aNbRead == 0 && feof(myFile) != 0) { return AVERROR_EOF; }
    return aNbRead;

  //! Virtual method for writing the data.
  virtual int write (uint8_t* theBuf,
                     int theBufSize) {
    if(myFile == NULL) { return -1; }
    return (int )::fwrite(theBuf, 1, theBufSize, myFile);

  //! Virtual method for seeking to new position.
  virtual int64_t seek (int64_t theOffset,
                        int theWhence) {
    if(theWhence == AVSEEK_SIZE || myFile == NULL) { return -1; }
  #ifdef _WIN32
    bool isOk = ::_fseeki64(myFile, theOffset, theWhence) == 0;
    bool isOk =    ::fseeko(myFile, theOffset, theWhence) == 0;
    if(!isOk) { return -1; }
  #ifdef _WIN32
    return ::_ftelli64(myFile);
    return ::ftello(myFile);

  //! Callback for reading the data.
  static int readCallback(void* theOpaque,
                          uint8_t* theBuf,
                          int  theBufSize) {
    return theOpaque != NULL
         ? ((StAVIOContext* )theOpaque)->read(theBuf, theBufSize)
         : 0;

  //! Callback for writing the data.
  static int writeCallback(void* theOpaque,
                           uint8_t* theBuf,
                           int theBufSize) {
    return theOpaque != NULL
         ? ((StAVIOContext* )theOpaque)->write(theBuf, theBufSize)
         : 0;

  //! Callback for seeking to new position.
  static int64_t seekCallback(void*   theOpaque,
                              int64_t theOffset,
                              int     theWhence) {
    return theOpaque != NULL
        ? ((StAVIOContext* )theOpaque)->seek(theOffset, theWhence)
        : -1;

  AVIOContext* myAvioCtx;
  FILE* myFile;

于 2020-03-16T08:12:57.380 回答

定义协议可以像处理 Uricontent://com.android.providers.downloads.documents/document/msf%3A62content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/document/primary%3ADownload%2Ftranscode.aac

这是打开此类 Uri 的C 代码(为简洁起见隐藏错误检查):

int get_fd_from_content(const char *content, int access) {

    static jclass    android_net_Uri;
    static jmethodID android_net_Uri_parse = 0;
    static jmethodID android_content_Context_getContentResolver = 0;
    static jmethodID android_content_ContentResolver_openFileDescriptor = 0;
    static jmethodID android_os_ParcelFileDescriptor_getFd = 0;

    int fd = -1;

    JNIEnv *env;
    int ret = (*globalVm)->GetEnv(globalVm, (void **)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);

    android_net_Uri_parse = get_static_method_id(env, "android/net/Uri", "parse", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/net/Uri;", &android_net_Uri);
    android_content_Context_getContentResolver = get_method_id(env, "android/content/Context", "getContentResolver", "()Landroid/content/ContentResolver;");
    android_content_ContentResolver_openFileDescriptor = get_method_id(env, "android/content/ContentResolver", "openFileDescriptor", "(Landroid/net/Uri;Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/ParcelFileDescriptor;");
    android_os_ParcelFileDescriptor_getFd = get_method_id(env, "android/os/ParcelFileDescriptor", "getFd", "()I"));

    const char *fmode = "r";
    if (access & (O_WRONLY | O_RDWR)) {
        fmode = "w";

    LOGI("get_fd_from_content" " \"%s\" fd from %s", fmode, content);

    jstring uriString = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, content);
    jstring fmodeString = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, fmode);
    jobject uri = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, android_net_Uri, android_net_Uri_parse, uriString);
    jobject contentResolver = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, appContext, android_content_Context_getContentResolver);
    jobject parcelFileDescriptor = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, contentResolver, android_content_ContentResolver_openFileDescriptor, uri, fmodeString);

    fd = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, parcelFileDescriptor, android_os_ParcelFileDescriptor_getFd);

    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, uriString);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, fmodeString);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, uri);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, contentResolver);
    (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, parcelFileDescriptor);

    return fd;
于 2020-06-11T15:21:02.113 回答