I have written a small UDP client server class in C# that is used to provide comms between a Linux and a Windows machines.

The implementation of the UDP client and server in C# in Windows is a direct rewrite from C++ code I wrote for Linux originally.

I have no problems during run time between Linux machines but there is an intermittent problem that occasionally appears between Linux and Windows link.

Due to the application I need fast, non blocking operation of the UDP socket.

Since one client is Linux the code under C# I had to use some magic of marshalling.

Here is the code:

    public bool Connect(string sIPAddr, int portNumber)
            if (portNumber > 65535 && portNumber < 0)
                this._isReady = false;
                return this._isReady;

            this._ipPort = portNumber;
            this._ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(sIPAddr);
            IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(this._ipAddress, this._ipPort);
            this._myUDPClient = new Socket(ipep.Address.AddressFamily, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
            this._myUDPClient.Blocking = false;
            this._myUDPClient.Connect(this._ipAddress, this._ipPort);

            this._isReady = true;
            return this._isReady;
        catch (Exception)
            this._isReady = false;
            return this._isReady;

I use connect on UDP to simplify send and receive calls.

The problem happens when I try and read from the socket.

More code:

    public bool NewMessageReceived()
            if (this._newMessaageReceived)
                return this._newMessaageReceived;
                _messageBuffer = new byte[65507];
                int numBytesRcvd = _myUDPClient.Receive(this._messageBuffer, 65507, SocketFlags.None);
                Marshal.Copy(_messageBuffer, 0, _pmessageBuffer, 65507);

                if (numBytesRcvd < 0)
                    this._newMessaageReceived = false;

                    // TODO: Add Socket Error Checking
                    this._newMessaageReceived = true;

                Array.Clear(_messageBuffer, 0, _messageBuffer.GetLength(0));
                return this._newMessaageReceived;
        catch (Exception e)
            return false;

I have Wireshark running on both machines and I can see that the datagram sent from Linux machine arrives on Windows machine unharmed. However the UDP client Receive call throws and exception saying: "A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately" which from what I understand is a WSAEWOULDBLOCK error. However I explicitly set blocking option to false.

The sequence of events is the following:

Windows machine sends a datagram on port 2 and listens for acknowledge on port 1. I have a while loop which implements timeout


        DateTime TimeAtStart = new DateTime();
        TimeAtStart = DateTime.Now;
        TimeSpan TimeOut = new TimeSpan(0,0,0,0,800);

        IntPtr RecievedTelPtr = new IntPtr();
        bool UnpackingResult;

        while (TimeOut > (DateTime.Now - TimeAtStart))
            if (!NackAckRecieveConnection.GetIsReady())
                ErrorEventArguements.SetAllHmiNetworkEventArgs(ID, -3, 2);
                return (false);
            if (NackAckRecieveConnection.NewMessageReceived())
                RecievedTelPtr = NackAckRecieveConnection.GetMessage();
                UnpackingResult = UnpackHmiTelegram(RecievedTelPtr, AckNackType);
                return (UnpackingResult);
        //if escape loop return timeout err msg
        ErrorEventArguements.SetAllHmiNetworkEventArgs(ID, -4, (AckNackType == 0) ? (1) : (3));
        return (false);

I would like to be able to understand the issue and why the problem occurs and how can I fix it as I have fun out of ideas.

Thank you


2 回答 2



    catch (Exception)
        this._isReady = false;
        return this._isReady;


由于应用程序,我需要 UDP 套接字的快速、非阻塞操作



于 2011-04-21T11:50:40.183 回答




如果您想继续使用非阻塞 IO,您需要更改您的逻辑,以便它捕获 IO 异常并在短暂延迟后重试(如果您确定那里会有数据),或者检查在尝试执行读取之前,查看是否有实际可从套接字读取的数据。

检查套接字上是否有可用信息(在尝试从中读取之前)的一种方法是使用 Socket.Poll。就像是:

if (_myUDPClient.Poll(myTimeoutInMicroSeconds, SelectMode.SelectRead)){
       // Try to read the new messsage
} else {
    continue;  // go back to top of loop and try again

您可能还需要检查SelectError状态,以确定套接字是否发生故障。我的大部分套接字编程都来自 C++,所以我不确定 .Net 的细节。

于 2011-04-21T11:37:49.350 回答