我会做两件事来测试这个 1) 选择一年以使数据更易于消化 2) 修改第二个查询以包含一个总和。应该修改第一个查询以使用 cte 或子查询(我选择使用子查询)预先计算每月数字,并且您需要使用前面的 .. 子句来告诉 sql server 您有多少个月想
select month,year,
sum(amt) over (order by month,year ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND current row) sumamount,
avg(amt) over (order by month,year ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND current row) '3monthra'
SELECT month(date) as [Month],
year(date) as [Year],
sum(Amount) amt,
count(*) as cnt
FROM FactFinance
GROUP BY YEAR([Date]), MONTH([Date])
) s
where year = 2005
order by year, month
YEAR(Date) AS Year,
MONTH(Date) AS Month,
sum(amount) as sumamt,
count(*) as cnt,
AVG(Amount) AS AvgAmt
FROM FactFinance
where YEAR(Date) = 2005
ORDER BY Year, Month;
month year sumamount 3monthra
----------- ----------- ---------------------- ----------------------
7 2005 11384884.51 11384884.51
8 2005 36016653.13 18008326.565
9 2005 58029544.31 19343181.4366667
10 2005 66734589.35 22244863.1166667
11 2005 79778854.28 26592951.4266667
12 2005 88791927.09 29597309.03
(6 row(s) affected)
Year Month sumamt cnt AvgAmt
----------- ----------- ---------------------- ----------- ----------------------
2005 7 11384884.51 1130 10075.1190353982
2005 8 24631768.62 1122 21953.4479679145
2005 9 22012891.18 1116 19724.8128853047
2005 10 20089929.55 1122 17905.463057041
2005 11 37676033.55 1124 33519.6028024911
2005 12 31025963.99 1126 27554.1420870338
(6 row(s) affected)
请注意,这是取自 aw2012 ,希望您的版本有 2005。