上传功能工作正常,如果存在带有 initialPreview 选项的图像,则显示已上传的图像。
我正在尝试动态创建 intialPreviewConfig 选项,目前我不知道它为什么不起作用(单击“删除”按钮根本没有任何操作,就像该选项不存在一样)。但是,当我手动添加 intialPreviewConfig(不在变量中)时,它神奇地工作正常。
示例 javascript 代码(我的真实代码中的某些值不同):
var e = 'http://localhost/foo/';
// Where other_prev is an array of img
// Where other_images_path is an array of paths to images
var other_prev = ['...'];
var other_images_path = ['...'];
var uploadOtherFileInput = function ($input) {
console.log(other_prev); // Okay : array with img tags
console.log(other_images_path); // Okay : array with urls to images
var id_to_upload;
// If id already exists
if($('#id').length) {
id_to_upload = $('#id').val();
} else {
id_to_upload = $('#id_to_upload').val();
// Construct initial preview config for deleting images
var initialPreviewConfig = [];
if(Array.isArray(other_images_path)) {
var xhr;
// Convert paths of images to blob objects
for(var i = 0; i < other_images_path.length; i++) {
(function (i) {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', other_images_path[i], true);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function (ev) {
if (this.status == 200) {
var blobFile = this.response;
var splitted_path = other_images_path[i].split('/');
var img_name = splitted_path[splitted_path.length - 1];
blobFile.name = img_name;
"caption": img_name,
"size": blobFile.size,
"url": e + 'ajax/delete_image',
"key": i + 1
}).call(this, i);
// Console log is working
// Making the bootstrap fileinput
// Working fine to show previews and upload new images
// Not working for initialPreviewConfig to delete images
language: 'fr',
allowedFileExtensions: ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"],
uploadUrl: e + 'ajax/upload_image_sup',
uploadAsync: false, // Permet d'obtenir toutes les images en une fois et d'attendre la fin
minFileCount: 0,
maxFileCount: 20,
resizeImage: true,
showClose: false,
showCaption: false,
showBrowse: true,
showUpload: false,
showUploadedThumbs: false,
showPreview: true,
uploadExtraData: function () {
var out = {};
out.id = id_to_upload;
return out;
layoutTemplates: {
footer: '<div class="file-thumbnail-footer">\n' +
' <div class="file-caption-name" style="width:{width}">{caption}</div>\n' +
' {actions}\n' +
actions: '<div class="file-actions">\n' +
' <div class="file-footer-buttons">\n' +
' {delete} {zoom}' +
' </div>\n' +
' {drag}\n' +
' <div class="file-upload-indicator" title="{indicatorTitle}">{indicator}</div>\n' +
' <div class="clearfix"></div>\n' +
initialPreviewFileType: 'image',
initialPreview: other_prev,
initialPreviewConfig: initialPreviewConfig
// Okay it's a repeat thing but it's just for test purposes
if(Array.isArray(other_images_path)) {
var xhr;
for(var i = 0; i < other_images_path.length; i++) {
(function (i) {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', other_images_path[i], true);
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function (e) {
if (this.status == 200) {
var blobFile = this.response;
var splitted_path = other_images_path[i].split('/');
var img_name = splitted_path[splitted_path.length - 1];
blobFile.name = img_name;
// Add preview to stack for overwrite
$input.fileinput('addToStack', blobFile);
}).call(this, i);
现在变量 initialPreviewConfig 的控制台日志是(宽度不存在,但我删除了它,没有变化):
0: {caption: "xxx.jpeg", size: 381939, url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 1}
1: {caption: "yyy.jpeg", size: 381939, url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 2}
2: {caption: "zzz.jpeg", size: 381939, url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 3}
3: {caption: "aaa.jpeg", size: 381939, url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 4}
4: {caption: "bbb.JPG", size: 2442700, url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 5}
length: 5
__proto__: Array(0)
所以一切似乎都很好......但这不适用于删除。但是,如果我手动创建配置,它的工作“正常”(目前未创建 ajax/delete_image 路由,但单击正常,我收到错误消息)。
initialPreviewFileType: 'image',
initialPreview: other_prev,
initialPreviewConfig: [
{caption: "xxx.jpg", size: 576237, width: "120px", url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 1},
{caption: "yyy.jpg", size: 576237, width: "120px", url: e + "ajax/delete_image", key: 2},
有人可以帮助我解决这个问题或面临/面临同样的问题吗?如果您想要更多示例或 JSFiddle,请告诉我。
- 带有框架 CodeIgniter 3 的 PHP 5.6
- 铬 75
- 引导程序 3.3.7
- jQuery 3.1.1
- 引导文件输入 4.4.3
我也可以使用 jQuery ($.ajax, $.get...) 而不是 XMLHttpRequest 但这不是我认为的问题。