安装完 hugs 然后安装 ghc6 然后安装 generic-haskell 有以下信息,怎么办?
# make package
Creating generic-haskell package ...
ghc-pkg: cannot find package generic-haskell
Reading package info from "generic-haskell.cabal.pkg" ... done.
generic-haskell-1.80: missing id field
generic-haskell-1.80: dependency "base-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
generic-haskell-1.80: dependency "haskell98-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
generic-haskell-1.80: dependency "containers-" doesn't exist (use --force to override)
make: *** [package] Error 1
在 ubuntu 我编译 ghc-6.2.2 得到以下错误
/usr/bin/ghc -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend -osuf o -H16m -O HaskTags.hs
on the commandline:
Warning: -optdep-f is deprecated: Use -dep-makefile instead
==fptools== make boot - --no-print-directory -r;
in /home/martin/ghc-6.2.2/ghc/utils/ghc-pkg
/usr/bin/ghc -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend -osuf o -H16m -O -cpp -DPKG_TOOL -DWANT_PRETTY Main.hs Package.hs ParsePkgConfLite.hs Version.hs
on the commandline:
Warning: -optdep-f is deprecated: Use -dep-makefile instead
make all
/usr/bin/ghc -H16m -O -cpp -DPKG_TOOL -DWANT_PRETTY -c Main.hs -o Main.o -ohi Main.hi
Ambiguous type variable `e' in the constraint:
`Exception.Exception e'
arising from a use of `Exception.throw' at Main.hs:496:11-25
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
my_catch :: forall a. IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
(bound at Main.hs:499:0)
my_throw :: forall a. e -> a (bound at Main.hs:496:0)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
Ambiguous type variable `e1' in the constraint:
`Exception.Exception e1'
arising from a use of `Exception.catch' at Main.hs:498:13-27
Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:
eval_catch :: forall a. a -> (e1 -> IO a) -> IO a
(bound at Main.hs:498:0)
Probable fix: give these definition(s) an explicit type signature
or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
make[4]: *** [Main.o] Error 1
make[3]: *** [boot] Error 2
make[2]: *** [boot] Error 1
make[1]: *** [boot] Error 1
有人在 ubuntu 10 中安装了旧版本的 GHC 和通用 haskell 吗?
有很多对版本,我试过 ghc-6.2.2 出现上述错误,我是否需要卸载 ubuntu 10 才能安装旧版本的 ubuntu 才能正常工作?哪个版本的 ubuntu 适用于哪个版本的 ghc? http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/projects/generic-haskell/compiler.html