I have the following type:
newtype Rep f a = Rep { runRep :: String -> f (String, a) }
The type Rep f a
is a stateful computation that takes a String
as the initial state and produces a (String, a)
as the result of the computation. The result of the computation is wrapped in the functor f
The Applicative instance for Rep
is the following:
instance Monad f => Applicative (Rep f) where
pure x = Rep $ \s -> pure (s, x)
Rep f <*> Rep x = Rep $ \s -> do
(s',rf) <- f s
(s'',rx) <- x s'
return (s'', rf rx)
And the Monad instance for Rep
is the following:
instance Monad f => Monad (Rep f) where
return x = pure x
Rep a >>= f = Rep $ \s -> do
(s', ya) <- a s
let (Rep f') = f ya
(s'', yf) <- f' s'
pure (s'', yf)
The Alternative instance for Rep
is the following:
instance (Monad f, Alternative f) => Alternative (Rep f) where
empty = Rep (const empty)
Rep a <|> Rep b = Rep $ \s -> a s <|> b s
I have the following data types and function:
data TD = Empty | Fol TD TD | Letters [Char] | Str TD
data Res = Nil | Character Char | Cop Res Res | Special [Res]
findmatch :: (Monad f, Alternative f) => TD -> Rep f Res
findmatch (Str a) =
frontAdd <$> findmatch a <*> findmatch (Str a)
<|> pure (Special [])
frontAdd x (Special xs) = Special (x:xs)
frontAdd _ _ = error "Not possible."
I am having trouble understanding the function above. The function frontAdd
creates a Special
value which contains a list of [Res]
. findmatch
returns Rep f Res
. The line frontAdd <$> findmatch a <*> findmatch (Str a)
applies frontAdd
to the Res
that is returned by findmatch a
and findmatch (Str a)
However, I am not sure how this line, with the pattern matching, works: frontAdd x (Special xs) = Special (x:xs)
. Further, assuming that the functor f
is [ ]
, how would the <|>
in frontAdd <$> findmatch a <*> findmatch (Str a) <|> pure (Special [])
work? I know that if the functor f
is Maybe
, then <|>
makes a left-biased choice, but I don't know how <|>
works specifically for lists. In the documentation it states:
instance Alternative [] where
empty = []
(<|>) = (++) -- length xs + length ys = length (xs ++ ys)
How exactly does the concatenation work? Am I correct in saying that the result of frontAdd <$> findmatch a <*> findmatch (Str a)
is concatenated with the empty list?
Any insights are appreciated.