我正在尝试使用 tagExpression 从各种不同的功能文件运行特定场景,但 webdriver 会为每个场景打开和关闭浏览器,直到找到我提供的标签。有没有办法在找到标签之前不打开浏览器?
// <string[]> (file/dir) require files before executing features
require: ['./features/step_definitions/*.js'],
// <boolean> show full backtrace for errors
backtrace: true,
// <string[]> ("extension:module")
// require files with the given EXTENSION after requiring MODULE (repeatable)
compiler: [],
dryRun: false, // <boolean> invoke formatters without executing steps
failFast: true, // <boolean> abort the run on first failure
// <string[]> (type[:path]) specify the output format,
// optionally supply PATH to redirect formatter output (repeatable)
format: ['pretty'],
colors: true,
snippets: true,
source: true,
profile: [],
strict: true,
tagExpression: '@testone',
timeout: 300000, ble this config to treat undefined definitions as warnings.
ignoreUndefinedDefinitions: false,