我正在尝试运行一种加密算法,该算法接受输入消息,将其分解为四个字符的块,将“x”位从前面移动到后面,然后将其转换回四个加扰字符。我相信这被称为块移位密码,尽管我不太确定。该程序在 Python 中运行时可以完美地加密和解密。但是,在将代码手动转换为 JavaScript 后,我从 String.fromCharCode 方法中得到了一些奇怪的结果。简而言之,JavaScript 方法返回的字符比 Python 更多,特别是 "" 字符,即使消息和密钥保持不变也是如此。对于如何解决这个问题以及问题到底是什么,我将不胜感激。
此代码适用于我正在开发的工具,我需要尽快完成它。我已经尝试使用 Node Package Manager 中的 utf8 模块将 JavaScript 字符编码转换为“UTF-8”,但无济于事。我多次仔细检查了我的代码,除了字符转换之外,Python 和 JavaScript 代码正在做同样的事情,并产生相同的数字和值。在下面的代码中,我提到的问题源于 JavaScript 代码中的“reconstructMsg”函数。
// JavaScript:
import integerBitLength from 'integer-bit-length';
// Function to break message into chunks
function chunkMsg(message, chunkSize = 4) {
// Create an array to store the chunks
let msgChunks = [];
// Control
let chunk = 0,
chunkCount = Math.floor(message.length / chunkSize) + 1;
// Iterate through the message
for (let num of [
...Array(chunkCount * chunkSize).keys()
]) {
// Make room for the next chunk's number
chunk = chunk << 8;
// Make sure that 'num' is within the length of 'message'
if (num < message.length) chunk += message[num].charCodeAt(0);
// Check if there are the ascii values of four characters in the chunk
if (integerBitLength(chunk) > (chunkSize - 1) * 8) {
// Append chunk
// Reset chunk
chunk = 0;
// Return the chunk array
return msgChunks;
// Function to reconstruct message
function reconstructMsg(chunks, chunkSize = 4) {
// Empty message
let msg = '';
// Iterate through all of the chunks
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
let chunk = chunks[i];
// Loop through each chunk
for (let j = 0; j < chunkSize; j++) {
// NOTES on the below code
// (8 * (chunk_size - 1 - j)) is the number of bits to chop off of the end
// (chunk >> <above_code>) chops the number of bits above off of the chunk
// <above_code> % 2 ** 8 takes only the first 8 bits from the above code
// because 2 ** 8 = 256
// the modulo function (x % y) can have a max value of "y - 1" and 8 bits can have a max value of 255
// In other words, because everything above the 8th bit is a multiple of 256, we ignore them
let number = (chunk >>> (8 * (chunkSize - 1 - j))) % 2 ** 8;
// Add the character with the above keycode to the message
msg += String.fromCharCode(number);
// Return the message
return msg;
// Function to encrypt chunks in a message
function encryptMsg(chunks, key, chunkSize = 4) {
// List of encrypted chunks
let cipherList = [];
// Set the maximum amount of bits
let bitCount = chunkSize * 8;
// Iterate through the chunks
for (let i of [
]) {
// Set chunk
let chunk = chunks[i];
// Set the bits to carry
let carry = chunk % 2 ** key;
// Make room for the remaining bits to be places at the end
carry = (carry << (bitCount - key)) >>> 0;
// Combine the shifted characters
let cipher = (chunk >>> key) + carry;
// Add cipher
// Return the cipher list
return cipherList;
# Python:
# Function to chunk message into sets of 32-bits
def chunk_msg(msg, chunk_size=4):
# Create a list to store the chunks
msg_chunks = []
# Control variables
chunk = 0
chunk_count = len(msg) // chunk_size + 1
# Iterate through the message
for i in range(chunk_count * chunk_size):
# Make room for the next character's number
chunk = chunk << 8
# Make sure that i is within the length of the function
if i < len(msg):
chunk += ord(msg[i])
# If the chunk has 4 characters in their ascii encoding, save the chunk
if chunk.bit_length() > (chunk_size - 1) * 8:
chunk = 0
# Return the chunks
return msg_chunks
# Function to reconstruct message
def reconstruct_msg(chunks, chunk_size=4):
# Empty message
msg = ""
# Iterate through all of the chunks
for i in range(len(chunks)):
chunk = chunks[i]
# Loop through each chunk
for j in range(chunk_size):
# NOTES on the below code
# (8 * (chunk_size - 1 - j)) is the number of bits to chop off of the end
# (chunk >> <above_code>) chops the number of bits above off of the chunk
# <above_code> % 2 ** 8 takes only the first 8 bits from the above code
# because 2 ** 8 = 256
# the modulo function (x % y) can have a max value of "y - 1" and 8 bits can have a max value of 255
# In other words, because everything above the 8th bit is a multiple of 256, we ignore them
number = (chunk >> (8 * (chunk_size - 1 - j))) % 2**8
# Add the character with the above keycode to the message
msg += chr(number)
# Return the message
return msg
# Function to encrypt chunks
def apply_rotate(msg_list, key, chunk_size=4):
cipher_list = []
# Set the maximum amount of bits
bit_count = chunk_size * 8
# Iterate through each message chunk
for i in range(len(msg_list)):
# Set chunk
chunk = msg_list[i]
# Set the bits to carry
carry = chunk % (2**key)
# Make room for the remaining bits to be placed on the end
carry = carry << (bit_count - key)
# Combine the shifted characters into a variable
cipher = (chunk >> key) + carry
# Add the encoded chunk to the list
# Return the cipher list
return cipher_list
当上述函数按以下顺序运行时:chunkMsg、encryptMsg 和reconstructMsg,消息为“Hello”,密钥为 12,Python 生成正确的字符串“ÆÄV ð”,而 JavaScript 生成不正确的字符串“ ÆÄVð”(Ä 和 V、V 和 ð、ð 和消息结尾之间有未定义的字符。一旦发布,它们可能不会出现在问题中)。