
在我的 windows xp sp2 工作站上安装 Information Server Console 8.1 后,当我尝试登录 Information Server Console 时遇到以下错误: 

"Internal Error: - Failed to load the Java Virtual Machine. The most common cause of this error is a failure of Java virtual machine to allocate enough memory" Check the memory settings in ......\proxy xml.

我附上proxy.xml了你的文件。除了我的工作站有 4 Gb RAM 和 Sun Java Runtime Environment v 6.0_11。 

"Other possible reasons for this failure are that one or more JARS are not present or some other configuration problem exists." Not very disclosing I suppose ...

我设置了环境变量:XMOG_TRACE_LEVEL= VerboseXMOG_TRACE_FILE=c:\xmogtrace.txt,尝试再次登录,但没有生成文件或信息c:\xmogtrace.txt,错误是一样的。


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请参阅 ibm.com 中讨论此问题的解决方案的以下技术说明: http ://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=14&uid=swg21370513

于 2019-08-05T21:34:02.280 回答