虽然它有点超出范围,但我想将项目NLopt投入使用。正如首字母缩写词所暗示的那样,它处理非线性优化,但具有大量全局/局部、无导数/具有显式导数算法。我之所以要提到它,是因为它有一个适用于 MATLAB、Octave + Python(和 C/C++,...)的接口。因此,用不同的语言重现解决方案变得非常容易(这就是我遇到它的原因);另外,这些算法实际上比 MATLAB 原生的更快(这是我自己的经验)。
通过 pip 安装很容易
pip install nlopt
import nlopt
# run quick test. Look for "Passed: optimizer interface test"
import numpy as np
import nlopt
obj = nlopt.opt(nlopt.LN_BOBYQA,5)
def fnc(x, grad):
The return value should be the value of the function at the point x,
where x is a NumPy array of length n of the optimization parameters
(the same as the dimension passed to the constructor).
In addition, if the argument grad is not empty, i.e. grad.size>0, then
grad is a NumPy array of length n which should (upon return) be set to
the gradient of the function with respect to the optimization parameters
at x. That is, grad[i] should upon return contain the partial derivative ,
for , if grad is non-empty.
H = np.eye(len(x)) # extampe matrix
cost = 0.5*x.transpose().dot( H.dot(x) )
return float(cost) # make sure it is a number
xopt = obj.optimize(x0)
在 MATLAB 中,您只需将 DLL 添加到您的路径中。我为 BOBYQA 编写了一个简短的包装器来模仿 MATLAB 的界面(以防万一,你想用两种语言检查它=P - 让我知道,我在 MATLAB 中更经常使用它......因为包装器可能显示^^):
function [x_opt, fval, exitflag] = BOBYQA(fnc,x0,lb,ub, varargin)
% performes a constrained, derivative-free local optimization
% --- Syntax:
% x_opt = BOBYQA(fnc,x0,lb,ub)
% x_opt = BOBYQA(...,'MaxEval',10)
% x_opt = BOBYQA(...,'MaxTime',5)
% [x_opt, fval] = BOBYQA(...)
% [x_opt, fval, exitflag] = BOBYQA(...)
% --- Description:
% x_opt = BOBYQA(fnc,x0,lb,ub) takes a function handle 'func', an initial
% value 'x0' and lower and upper boundary constraints 'lb'
% and 'ub' as input. Performes a constrained local
% optimization using the algorithm BOBYQA from Powell
% http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/na/NA_papers/NA2009_06.pdf.
% Returns the optimal value 'x_opt'.
% x_opt = BOBYQA(...,'MaxEval',10)optional input parameter that defines the
% maximum number of evaluations.
% x_opt = BOBYQA(...,'MaxTime',5) optional input parameter that defines the
% maximum allowed time in seconds for the optimization. This
% is a soft constraint and may be (slightly) broken.
% [x_opt, fval] = BOBYQA(...) seconds return value is the optimal function
% value.
% [x_opt, fval, exitflag] = BOBYQA(...) third return value is the exitflag,
% see function NLoptExitFlag().
% ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2017
% --- parse input
IN = inputParser;
addParameter(IN,'MaxEval',10000, @(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'positive'}));
addParameter(IN,'MaxTime',60, @(x)validateattributes(x,{'numeric'},{'positive'}));
% generic success code: +1
% stopval reached: +2
% ftol reached: +3
% xtol reached: +4
% maxeval reached: +5
% maxtime reached: +6
% generic failure code: -1
% invalid arguments: -2
% out of memory: -3
% roundoff-limited: -4
% set options
opt = struct();
opt.min_objective = fnc;
opt.lower_bounds = lb;
opt.upper_bounds = ub;
% stopping criteria
opt.maxtime = IN.Results.MaxTime; % s % status = +6
% opt.fc_tol = FncOpt.STOP_FNC_TOL*ones(size(ParInit)); % +3
% opt.xtol_rel = FncOpt.STOP_XTOL_REL; % +4
% opt.xtol_abs = FncOpt.STOP_XTOL_ABS*ones(size(ParInit)); % +4
opt.maxeval = IN.Results.MaxEval; % status = +5
% call function
opt.algorithm = 34;% eval('NLOPT_LN_BOBYQA');
t_start = tic;
[x_opt, fval, exitflag] = nlopt_optimize(opt,x0);
dt = toc(t_start);
fprintf('BOBYQA took %.5f seconds | exitflag: %d (%s)\n',dt,exitflag,NLoptExitFlag(exitflag))
function txt = NLoptExitFlag(exitflag)
% generic success code: +1
% stopval reached: +2
% ftol reached: +3
% xtol reached: +4
% maxeval reached: +5
% maxtime reached: +6
% generic failure code: -1
% invalid arguments: -2
% out of memory: -3
% roundoff-limited: -4
switch exitflag
case 1
txt = 'generic success code';
case 2
txt = 'stopval reached';
case 3
txt = 'ftol reached';
case 4
txt = 'xtol reached';
case 5
txt = 'maxeval reached';
case 6
txt = 'maxtime reached';
case -1
txt = 'generic failure code';
case -2
txt = 'invalid arguments';
case -3
txt = 'out of memory';
case -4
txt = 'roundoff-limited';
txt = 'undefined exitflag!';