I'm having trouble adding page numbers to PDFs. Here's how I'm inserting pages / plots:
pdf( file = pdfFilePath , width = 11 , height = 8.5 )
for ( ... ) {
pushViewport( viewport( layout = grid.layout( 2 , 2 ) ) )
... print 4 plots ....
onefile seems to name a file by the page number, but I want the page numbers to appear in the same file.
I've modified @Gavin's code sample to produce a working version of mixing graphic types to get page numbers:
pdf( file = "FILE_PATH_TO_SAVE_PDF_HERE" , width = 11 , height = 8.5 )
par( oma = c ( 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 ) , mar=c( 4 , 0 , 2 , 0 ) )
plot( 0:11 , type = "n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", xlab = "", ylab = "" )
mtext( side = 3 , line = 0 , outer = TRUE , cex = 1.5 , family="mono" , "Title" )
p1 <- ggplot(data.frame(X = 1:10, Y = runif(10)), aes(x = X, y = Y)) +
vplayout <- function(x, y) {
viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(2, 2)))
print(p1, vp = vplayout(1,1))
print(p1, vp = vplayout(1,2))
print(p1, vp = vplayout(2,1))
print(p1, vp = vplayout(2,2))
mtext( "1" , side = 1 , line = 3 , outer = TRUE , cex = .8 , family="mono" )