当我尝试使用 Minishift 执行 Syndesis 图像的构建时,它以以下错误结束:

 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
 io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:3.5.38:build (exec) on project s2i:
 Failed to execute the build: Unable to build the image using the
 OpenShift build service: Can't instantiate binary build, due to error
 reading/writing stream. Can be caused if the output stream was closed
 by the server. Connection reset

我检查了 minishift 正在以“minishift 状态”运行:

$ minishift status
Minishift:  Running
Profile:    minishift
OpenShift:  Running (openshift v3.11.0+82a43f6-231)
DiskUsage:  76% of 20G (Mounted On: /mnt/sda1)
CacheUsage: 1.679 GB (used by oc binary, ISO or cached images)

并使用“oc get pods”命令检查是否安装了正确的项目/pod。


1 回答 1


问题是 minishift 的空间不足。


$ syndesis dev --cleanup

当你这样做时,确保nip.io域在你的机器上工作。如果不是这种情况,请将以下条目添加到 /etc/hosts:

$IP    $IP.nip.io syndesis.$IP.nip.io docker-registry-default.$IP.nip.io

其中 $IP 是 minishift 的 IP,您可以通过以下方式找到:

$ minishift ip
于 2019-08-05T07:33:38.503 回答