I just installed Membase's version of Memcached (because it seems to be the only / best option to run memcached on windows) and I'm finding a strange problem.

I'm trying to make a little debug tool for myself (only for dev, not for production), and i'm trying to get the contents of memcached. However, all these commands fail:

stats maps
stats cachedump
stats slabs
stats items
stats sizes

I'm running these both from PHP and from telnet. The only stats options that seem to work are plain "stats", and "stats reset". All the others just say "ERROR"

I'm running memcached version 1.4.4_304_g7d5a132 (according to "stats") or 1.6.4_1_ga5cbcfd (according to "version"). Not sure which one it is.

I've found references to these commands all over the Internet, and I haven't found any information about being deprecated.

Am I doing something wrong?
Are these commands removed from Membase?
Any recommendation on another version of memcached that I can simply install and will run on Windows (the simpler it is to install, the better)

Thank you!


1 回答 1


嘿 Daniel,memcached 的 Membase 服务器版本是适用于 Windows 的最简单/最佳版本。我很乐意帮助您获得您想要的信息......在我们的论坛上发布一些内容也可能会很好,以便所有人都可以看到:http ://techzone.couchbase.com/forums/


如果您下载最新的 Membase 版本(1.7,预发布:http ://techzone.couchbase.com/products/membase/1-7-beta ),您将获得以下统计脚本,允许您运行所有这些命令:C:\Program Files\Membase\Server\bin\mbstats :11210 原始 [maps|items|slabs|sizes] [bucket_name]

我建议不要使用 cachedump,因为它可能会出现性能问题,并且不受 memcached 服务器的正式支持(即使它在某些小范围内“有效”)。

Perry Krug 高级解决方案架构师,Couchbase, Inc.

于 2011-05-12T15:35:13.753 回答