我有一个包含许多基因及其相互作用的图表。我有兴趣找到一个子图,其中一组特定基因的最大数量是图中的 A、B、C、D、E。

尝试了 BFS 算法和连接的组件。但不知道如何找到我感兴趣的基因的子图。

def bfs(G, gene, n):

Using breadth-first search
returns a graph of breadth n starting at source gene.
S = nx.algorithms.traversal.breadth_first_search.bfs_tree(G, source=gene, depth_limit=n)
return S

给定一个具有 V 顶点和 E 边的图 G(V,E),我想找到一个子图 G'(v,e),其中 v 是 V 的子集,这样 G' 包含我感兴趣的最大节点。


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component_count = {}
seen = {}
for source in interesting_genes:
    if source not in seen:
        reachable_nodes = nx.node_connected_component(G, source)
        reachable_nodes_of_interest = [target for target in interesting_genes if target in reachable_nodes]
        for node in reachable_nodes_of_interest:
            seen[node] = True
        component_count = len(reachable_nodes_of_interest)

source = max(component_count, key=component_count.get) #finds the node with the largest component_count

Gprime = G.subgraph(nx.node_connected_component(G, source))

查看. _ _single_source_shortest_path_length

seen = {source:False for source in interesting_genes}  #if we've found the component of a node, no need to recalculate it.
component_count = {}  #will count how many other interesting genes there are in a component
for source in interesting_genes:
    if not seen[source]:
        reachable_nodes_dict = nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, node)
        reachable_nodes_of_interest = [target for target in interesting_genes if target in reachable_nodes_dict]
        for target in reachable_nodes_of_interest:
            seen[target] = True
        component_count[source] = len(reachable_nodes_of_interest)
source = max(component_count, key=component_count.get) #finds the node with the largest component_count

Gprime = G.subgraph(nx.node_connected_component(G, source))
于 2019-08-02T01:58:23.320 回答