I have a full-windowed SWF running in Firefox3.6.

Reading stage.stageWidth should follow the size of the browser's window, but that's not the case with Firefox! The minimum stage.stageWidth I get is 925, even if I make the Firefox window much smaller than that. stage.stageHeight seems to work fine though.

This is because the (my?) Menu Bar won't go below 925 pixels wide. The problem is solved if I hide the Menu Bar!

This problem only appears on Firefox. Anyone knows if there is a work around? I can't ask users visiting my site to turn their menu bar off in order to see it correctly.


1 回答 1



如果解决方案是让菜单适合小于 925 像素的屏幕,那么解决这个问题的方法是什么?

您是否需要正确的 stageWidth 以便调整菜单大小?

我认为我们需要谈谈您对当窗口宽度小于 925(菜单的宽度)时应该发生什么的期望。它应该扩大规模并保持比例吗?

如果是这样的话 - 那么我们应该谈论舞台的 scaleMode 属性吧?

我知道可能存在涉及 FF 的错误,但了解您当前的 scaleMode 设置会有所帮助。确切地知道如何将它嵌入页面和那里的设置。

于 2011-04-28T18:55:13.097 回答