我已经与 MSFT 支持团队进行了互动。经过长时间的交谈后,我终于发现 yeoman 生成的 XML 在 App 源中不被接受,原因是policy violations and overrides of element used
下面是 Manifest 如果有人想发布他们的加载项的简单方法。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OfficeApp xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/appforoffice/1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:type="TaskPaneApp">
<!-- IMPORTANT! Id must be unique for your add-in, if you reuse this manifest ensure that you change this id to a new GUID. Add your own below -->
<Id>your Guid</Id>
<!--Version. Updates from the store only get triggered if there is a version change. -->
<ProviderName>Your Company name</ProviderName>
<!-- The display name of your add-in. Used on the store and various places of the Office UI such as the add-ins dialog. -->
<DisplayName DefaultValue="Add-in"/>
DefaultValue="Short Description"/>
<!-- Icon for your add-in. Used on installation screens and the add-ins dialog. -->
<IconUrl DefaultValue="Iconurl.com"/>
<HighResolutionIconUrl DefaultValue="Iconurl.com"/>
<SupportUrl DefaultValue="https://yourcompany.com/help"/>
<Host Name="Project"/>
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="https://yourcompany/index.html"/>