我编写了一个 JSR303 验证器,将属性值与约束进行比较:

@Constraint(validatedBy = Cmp.LongCmpValidator.class)
public @interface Cmp {
    String message() default "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.message}";
    Class<?>[] groups() default {};
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
    long value();
    public enum REL { LT,LT_EQ,EQ,GT,GT_EQ;
        public String toString() {
            return toString_property();
        public String toString_property() {
            switch(this) {
                case LT   : return "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.LT}";
                case LT_EQ: return "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.LT_EQ}";
                case    EQ: return "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.EQ}";
                case GT   : return "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.GT}";
                case GT_EQ: return "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.GT_EQ}";
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String toString_common() { return super.toString(); }
        public String toString_math() { switch(this) {
                case LT   : return "<";
                case LT_EQ: return "\u2264";
                case    EQ: return "=";
                case GT   : return ">";
                case GT_EQ: return "\u2265";
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    REL prop_rel_cnstr();

    @interface List {
        Cmp[] value();

    class LongCmpValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Cmp, Number> {
        long cnstr_val;
        REL prop_rel_cnstr;

        public void initialize(Cmp constraintAnnotation) {
            cnstr_val = constraintAnnotation.value();
            prop_rel_cnstr = constraintAnnotation.prop_rel_cnstr();

        public boolean isValid(Number _value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
            if(_value == null) return true;

            if(_value instanceof Integer) {
                int value = _value.intValue();
                switch(prop_rel_cnstr) {
                    case LT   : return value <  cnstr_val;
                    case LT_EQ: return value <= cnstr_val;
                    case    EQ: return value == cnstr_val;
                    case GT   : return value >  cnstr_val;
                    case GT_EQ: return value >= cnstr_val;
            // ... handle other types
            return true;

ValidationMessages.properties :

home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.LT=less than
home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.LT_EQ=less than or equal
home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.GT_EQ=greater than or equal

home.lang.validator.Cmp.message=Failure: validated value is to be in relation "{prop_rel_cnstr}" to {value}.


Failure: validated value is to be in relation "{home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.GT}" to 0.

有人可以建议简单方便的方法,如何让验证器识别和解析嵌套的 {home.lang.validator.Cmp.REL.GT} 键?我需要它在处理验证的 JSF2 中很好用。我没有使用 Spring,而是使用 hibernate-validator 4。

顺便说一句,看起来 hibernate-validator 4 没有完全实现 JSR303,因为后来在 中声明:

  1. Message parameters are extracted from the message string and used as keys to search the ResourceBundle named ValidationMessages (often materialized as the property file /ValidationMessages.properties and its locale variations) using the defined locale (see below). If a property is found, the message parameter is replaced with the property value in the message string. Step 1 is applied recursively until no replacement is performed (i.e. a message parameter value can itself contain a message parameter).

1 回答 1


Ok, I did dig into this. The algorithm specified by JSR303 has an unintuitive mess with what (props) are recursively resolvable and what's not. I think, that's mainly due to bad distinction in grammar of annotation''s properties and RB's properties.

So I've made my own MessageInterpolator, which you can find in my repo: http://github.com/Andrey-Sisoyev/adv-msg-interpolator. It solves almost all the problems, and also allows to address the resource bundle, where to look for the property.

于 2011-04-23T23:19:57.653 回答