如果您使用Apify SDK构建自己的 actor ,您可以使用infiniteScroll 辅助实用功能。如果它没有涵盖您的用例,最好在Github上给我们反馈。
如果您使用的是通用 Scraper(Web Scraper或Puppeteer Scraper),则当前未内置无限滚动功能(但如果您将来阅读此内容可能会)。另一方面,自己实现也没有那么复杂,我给大家介绍一个简单的 Web Scraper 的解决方案pageFunction
async function pageFunction(context) {
// few utilities
const { request, log, jQuery } = context;
const $ = jQuery;
// Here we define the infinite scroll function, it has to be defined inside pageFunction
const infiniteScroll = async (maxTime) => {
const startedAt = Date.now();
let itemCount = $('.my-class').length; // Update the selector
while (true) {
log.info(`INFINITE SCROLL --- ${itemCount} items loaded --- ${request.url}`)
// timeout to prevent infinite loop
if (Date.now() - startedAt > maxTime) {
scrollBy(0, 9999);
await context.waitFor(5000); // This can be any number that works for your website
const currentItemCount = $('.my-class').length; // Update the selector
// We check if the number of items changed after the scroll, if not we finish
if (itemCount === currentItemCount) {
itemCount = currentItemCount;
// Generally, you want to do the scrolling only on the category type page
if (request.userData.label === 'CATEGORY') {
await infiniteScroll(60000); // Let's try 60 seconds max
// ... Add your logic for categories
} else {
// Any logic for other types of pages
当然,这是一个非常微不足道的例子。有时它会变得更加复杂。我什至曾经使用 Puppeteer 直接导航鼠标并拖动一些可通过编程访问的滚动条。