
我正在处理我的应用程序的用户个人资料页面。我有一个默认设置为 false 的全局布尔变量(updateProfile)。当用户对他们的个人资料信息进行任何更改时,例如更改/删除他们的个人资料图片,数据库会更新,图像会下载并保存在文档目录中。这是下载后保存该图像的代码:

struct Downloads {

    // Create a static variable to start the download after tapping on the done button in the editUserProfile page
    static var updateProfile: Bool = false

    static func downloadUserProfilePic() {

        Database.database().reference().child("Users").child(userID!).child("Profile Picture URL").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
        guard let profilePictureString = snapshot.value as? String else { return }
        guard let profilePicURL = URL(string: profilePictureString) else { return }

        let session = URLSession(configuration: .default)

        let downloadPicTask = session.dataTask(with: profilePicURL) {
                (data, response, error) in

            if let e = error {
                print("error downloading with error: \(e)")

            } else {
                if let res = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
                    Downloads.imageCached = true // The image has been downloaded
                    print("Downloaded with \(res.statusCode)")

                    if let imageData = data {
                        let image = UIImage(data: imageData)

                        // Now save the image in the documents directory
                        // Get the url of the documents directory
                        let documentsDirectory = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!
                        // Name your image with the user ID to make it unique
                        let imageName = userID! + "profilePic.jpg"
                        // Create the destination file URL to save the image
                        let imageURL = documentsDirectory.appendingPathComponent(imageName)
                        let data = image?.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.5)

                        do {
                            // Save the downloaded image to the documents directory

                            // Write the image data to disk
                            try data!.write(to: imageURL)
                            print("Image Saved")
                            updateProfile = true

                        } catch {
                            print("Error saving file \(error)")

                    } else {
                        print("Couldnt get image")

                } else {
                    print("Couldnt't get response")



// When the user taps on the 'done' button
@objc func doneButtonTapped() {



func uploadUserSelectedPicture() {

    // Download the profile picture and save it

    if Downloads.updateProfile == true {
        // Go to the user profile page
        let userProfilePage = UserProfilePage()
        self.present(userProfilePage, animated: true)


如您所见,只要将图像保存到文档目录并且 updateProfile 全局变量更改为 true,我就会打印“图像已保存”。而在 SomeOtherViewController 上,仅当 updateProfile 变量为真时(这意味着图像应保存到文档目录)才会显示页面(当点击完成按钮时)。

但唯一的问题是,该变量在图像保存之前设置为 true,我怎么知道呢?我知道这一点是因为该页面是在执行 print 语句之前呈现的print("Image Saved")。为什么会这样?有什么办法可以摆脱这个问题?


1 回答 1





static var updateProfile: Bool = false  

static func downloadUserProfilePic(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {


    do {
       // Save the downloaded image to the documents directory

       // Write the image data to disk
       try data!.write(to: imageURL)
       print("Image Saved")          


func uploadUserSelectedPicture() {

    // Download the profile picture and save it
    Downloads.downloadUserProfilePic { [weak self] in
        // Go to the user profile page
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
           let userProfilePage = UserProfilePage()
           self?.present(userProfilePage, animated: true)

于 2019-07-28T04:28:54.030 回答