It's stated that Keycloak is built on top of the WildFly application server and its sub-projects like Infinispan (for caching) and Hibernate (for persistence).

Keycloak recommends to look in WildFly Documentation and High Availability Guide.

If understood correctly Standalone Clustered Configuration allows session replication or transmission of SSO contexts around the cluster.

I don't understand though if odd number of Keycloak nodes is required so that there will be quorum.

Singleton subsystem states

10.1.3. Quorum Network partitions are particularly problematic for singleton services, since they can trigger multiple singleton providers for the same service to run at the same time. To defend against this scenario, a singleton policy may define a quorum that requires a minimum number of nodes to be present before a singleton provider election can take place. A typical deployment scenario uses a quorum of N/2 + 1, where N is the anticipated cluster size. This value can be updated at runtime, and will immediately affect any active singleton services. e.g.

Is it somehow related to Keycloak and its Standalone Clustered Configuration?


1 回答 1



不,Keycloak 使用 Infinispan 进行缓存,而 Infinispan 使用 JGroups 进行集群。JGroups 不需要共识。

据称,Keycloak 构建在 WildFly 应用服务器及其子项目如 Infinispan(用于缓存)和 Hibernate(用于持久性)之上。

Keycloak 建议查看 WildFly 文档和高可用性指南。

如果理解正确,独立集群配置允许会话复制或在集群周围传输 SSO 上下文。

我不明白是否需要奇数个 Keycloak 节点才能达到法定人数。


于 2019-08-13T16:13:50.057 回答