所以我需要做的是在我正在创建的 html 页面上设置开始时间和结束时间。这样一来,技术人员可以在开始工作后启动时钟,并在当天结束时点击停止并计算经过的总时间。现在我找到了一堆可以做到这一点的代码,但我需要更进一步。我需要获取经过的时间并通过我的 PHP 文件发布它,以便它保存在我们的 MySQL 数据库中创建的表中。
<script type="text/javascript">
var duration = 0;
// Javascript to compute elapsed time between "Start" and "Finish" button clicks
function timestamp_class(this_current_time, this_start_time, this_end_time, this_time_difference) {
this.this_current_time = this_current_time;
this.this_start_time = this_start_time;
this.this_end_time = this_end_time;
this.this_time_difference = this_time_difference;
this.GetCurrentTime = GetCurrentTime;
this.StartTiming = StartTiming;
this.EndTiming = EndTiming;
//Get current time from date timestamp
function GetCurrentTime() {
var my_current_timestamp;
my_current_timestamp = new Date(); //stamp current date & time
return my_current_timestamp.getTime();
//Stamp current time as start time and reset display textbox
function StartTiming() {
this.this_start_time = GetCurrentTime(); //stamp current time
document.TimeDisplayForm.TimeDisplayBox.value = 0; //init textbox display to zero
//Stamp current time as stop time, compute elapsed time difference and display in textbox
function EndTiming() {
this.this_end_time = GetCurrentTime(); //stamp current time
this.this_time_difference = (this.this_end_time - this.this_start_time) / 1000; //compute elapsed time
document.TimeDisplayForm.TimeDisplayBox.value = this.this_time_difference; //set elapsed time in display box
var time_object = new timestamp_class(0, 0, 0, 0); //create new time object and initialize it
function assignDuration()
document.stopform.duration.value = duration;
<input type="button" value="Start" onClick="time_object.StartTiming()"; name="StartButton">
<input type="button" value="Finish" onClick="time_object.EndTiming()"; name="EndButton">
<form name="stopform" action="process-form.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="duration" value="0"/>
<input type="submit" name="dostop" onClick="assignDuration()" value="Stop"/>