I have encountered a problem I believe to be related to what's stated in the topic.

With selenium I'm currently automating tests for a website having flash elements for user inputs. While everything works fine when executing these tests on my computer locally, it fails to load the embeded flash if I start selenium on a remote Windows XP machine.
However, the flash just loads fine if I start the tests while I'm logged in via remote desktop.

This leads me to the assumption that whithout any desktop environment loaded or user logged in the firefox window is treated just as though it was minimized or the current tab was inactive, which I know prevents flash from loading until that window/tab is activated.

So, my question now is: Do you guys have any idea if there is a way to enable firefox to load flash even if it's not currently displayed in an active window?


1 回答 1


最后,我找到了一个解决方案:Flash 对象的参数“wmode”必须设置为“window”。然后它完美地工作。

<object ...>
  <param name="wmode" value="window">

我只是在我的 selenium 用户扩展中添加了一个函数,该函数修改了该标签的属性,并且每次访问 flash 时都会运行。


于 2011-06-14T12:38:37.543 回答