检查<pega:forEach name="YourPageListPage.PageList">
我曾经用它在 HTML 中为Pagelist
<table border="1">
<pega:forEach name="YourPageListPage.PageList"> // YourPageListPage.PageList is Page in which you have 3000 rows
<pega:reference name="$THIS.COLUMN1"/> // --> COLUMN1 is the property name inside pagelist
<pega:reference name="$THIS.COLUMN2"/> // --> COLUMN2 is the property name inside pagelist
在 JavaScript 中读取任何剪贴板页面的另一种方法..
ClipboardPage dataPage= tools.findPage("D_DatapageName");// if tools keyword is unrecognized then add PublicAPI tools = ThreadContainer.get().getPublicAPI(); above this line.
//D_DatapageName --> your data page name. You can give any Clipbord page here
ClipboardProperty pageListProperty= dataPage.getProperty("PageListProperty");
// PageListProperty will be list property in your DataPage..for example pxResults in case if DataPage is of class Code-Pega-List
//now if you want to iterate on this pageListProperty then use below method
Iterator iterator = pageListProperty.iterator();
// For eg. iterate over pxResults
ClipboardProperty pageProperty= (ClipboardProperty)iterator.next();
// PageProperty can be of type Page or just a single property
// But we need only the pages, so add below condition
Iterator iterator2 = pageProperty.iterator();
// Iterate on all properties of single page (pxResults(1))
ClipboardProperty property= (ClipboardProperty)iterator2.next();
String propertyLabel = property.getName(); // this will return the name of the property. For example pyNote
String propertyValue = property.getStringValue(); // this will return the value inside property.