我将使用 Dbatools 检查我的作业是否正在运行。如果它没有运行,我需要发送电子邮件警报。
我只有很少的 PowerShell 编程背景。
# Import-Module D:\Tools\dbatools\dbatools.psd1 if it isn't loaded
If ( ! (Get-module dbatools )) {
Import-Module D:\Tools\dbatools\dbatools.psd1
# Get the job status
Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance My_SQL_Instance -Job My_Job_Name | Out-File C:\DBA\Result.txt
# Send the email alert if the job is not running
Send-MailMessage -From My_Email_Address -Subject "My_Job_Name job is not running..." -To User_Email_Address -Attachments C:\DBA\Result.txt -Body "The MiantoEDW replication job is not running..." -BodyAsHtml -SmtpServer My_SmtpServer
我需要验证 CurrentRunStatus 的属性以确定是否发送电子邮件警报。