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这似乎是特定于平台的。在 Windows 上,您可以在 client\windows\sender\crash_report_sender.h 中查看以下函数(特别注意“url”参数)。

// Sends the specified minidump file, along with the map of
// name value pairs, as a multipart POST request to the given URL.
// Parameter names must contain only printable ASCII characters,
// and may not contain a quote (") character.
// Only HTTP(S) URLs are currently supported.  The return value indicates
// the result of the operation (see above for possible results).
// If report_code is non-NULL and the report is sent successfully (that is,
// the return value is RESULT_SUCCEEDED), a code uniquely identifying the
// report will be returned in report_code.
// (Otherwise, report_code will be unchanged.)
ReportResult SendCrashReport(const wstring &url,
                             const map<wstring, wstring> &parameters,
                             const wstring &dump_file_name,
                             wstring *report_code);


于 2011-04-24T22:32:04.943 回答