I'm trying to generate some YAML containing a map with dynamic keys, as described here. This works if I use Text keys, but not when the keys have any other type. I'd like to use a union type for the keys if possible.

I've tried using different types for mapKey, including a union type and Natural, but with no success. I can work around the problem by converting all mapKey values to Text, but this isn't ideal.

Here's a minimal example of what I'm trying to do:

let Union = <A | B>
[{mapKey = Union.A, mapValue = "foo"}]

I'd expect it to generate YAML to be:

A: foo

but instead, the generated YAML looks like this:

- mapKey: A
  mapValue: foo

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$ json-to-dhall 'List { mapKey : < A | B >, mapValue : Natural }' <<< '{"A": 1, "B": 2}'
[ { mapKey = < A | B >.A, mapValue = 1 }, { mapKey = < A | B >.B, mapValue = 2 } ]
于 2019-07-13T05:28:29.357 回答