我正在开发一个 3d 引擎,我最近添加了一个列表,以便我可以对网格的三角形进行排序并将它们从最远到最近进行渲染,以避免不应该存在的重叠三角形。自从我添加了这个内存使用量之后,我不确定如何解决这个问题。
//#define wireframe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using static System.Diagnostics.Process;
public class Ref<T> // Way around using pointers.
private readonly Action<T> setter;
private readonly Func<T> getter;
public Ref(Action<T> setter, Func<T> getter)
this.setter = setter;
this.getter = getter;
public T Value { get { return getter(); } set { setter(value); } }
public class Vector3
public float x, y, z;
public Vector3(float xp = 0, float yp = 0, float zp = 0)
x = xp;
y = yp;
z = zp;
public static Vector3 operator +(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2) => new Vector3(vec1.x + vec2.x, vec1.y + vec2.y, vec1.z + vec2.z);
public static Vector3 operator -(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2) => new Vector3(vec1.x - vec2.x, vec1.y - vec2.y, vec1.z - vec2.z);
public static Vector3 operator *(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2) => new Vector3(vec1.x * vec2.x, vec1.y * vec2.y, vec1.z * vec2.z);
public static Vector3 operator /(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2) => new Vector3(vec1.x / vec2.x, vec1.y / vec2.y, vec1.z / vec2.z);
public static Vector3 operator +(Vector3 vec1, float val) => new Vector3(vec1.x + val, vec1.y + val, vec1.z + val);
public static Vector3 operator -(Vector3 vec1, float val) => new Vector3(vec1.x - val, vec1.y - val, vec1.z - val);
public static Vector3 operator *(Vector3 vec1, float val) => new Vector3(vec1.x * val, vec1.y * val, vec1.z * val);
public static Vector3 operator /(Vector3 vec1, float val) => new Vector3(vec1.x / val, vec1.y / val, vec1.z / val);
public class Trig : IComparable<Trig>
public List<Vector3> points;
public Color col = Colors.Orange;
public Trig(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2, Vector3 vec3, Color colr)
points = new List<Vector3> { vec1, vec2, vec3 };
col = colr;
public Trig(Vector3 vec1, Vector3 vec2, Vector3 vec3)
points = new List<Vector3> { vec1, vec2, vec3 };
public int CompareTo(Trig t2)
return (int)((this.points[0].z + this.points[1].z + this.points[2].z) / 3.0f) - (int)((t2.points[0].z + t2.points[1].z + t2.points[2].z) / 3.0f);
public Color GetColour(float lum, Color orig) => orig * lum;
public class Mesh
public List<Trig> tris;
public Mesh(List<Trig> trigs = null)
tris = trigs;
public void MakeCube(float width = 1, float height = 1, float length = 1)
tris = new List<Trig>{
new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
// TOP
new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 1.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
new Trig(new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 1.0f * length), new Vector3(0.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length), new Vector3(1.0f * width, 0.0f * height, 0.0f * length)),
public bool LoadObjectFromFile(string path)
if (!File.Exists(path))
return false;
tris = new List<Trig>();
StreamReader file = new StreamReader(path);
List<Vector3> vertCache = new List<Vector3>(); // Cache of verts
string line;
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
if (line != "")
if (line[0] == "v"[0])
Vector3 v = new Vector3(); // temporary vertex
string[] temp = line.Split(" "[0]); // Split string into array of strings seperated by space
v.x = float.Parse(temp[1]); v.y = float.Parse(temp[2]); v.z = float.Parse(temp[3]); // set temp vertex to the values specified in string.
if (line[0] == "f"[0])
string[] temp = line.Split(" "[0]); // Split string into array of strings seperated by space
tris.Add(new Trig(vertCache[int.Parse(temp[1]) - 1], vertCache[int.Parse(temp[2]) - 1], vertCache[int.Parse(temp[3]) - 1])); // Add a triangle with values from the index specified in string.
return true;
public void Resize(float x)
int counter = 0;
foreach(Trig tri in tris)
tris[counter] = new Trig(tri.points[0] * x, tri.points[1] * x, tri.points[2] * x);
public void Resize(float x, float y, float z)
int counter = 0;
foreach (Trig tri in tris)
Vector3 tempVec = new Vector3(x,y,z);
tris[counter] = new Trig(tri.points[0] * tempVec, tri.points[1] * tempVec, tri.points[2] * tempVec);
public class Mat4x
public float[,] matrix = new float[4, 4];
public Mat4x()
public class Camera
public Vector3 position = new Vector3();
public float fNear;
public float fFar;
public float fFov;
public float fAspectRatio; // = (float)width / (float)height
public float fFovRad;
public Camera(Vector3 pos, float near = 0.1f, float far = 1000.0f, float fov = 90.0f, float width = 640, float height = 640)
position = pos;
fNear = near;
fFar = far;
fFov = fov;
fAspectRatio = width / height;
fFovRad = 1.0f / (float)Math.Tan(fFov * 0.5f / 180.0f * 3.14159f);
public float x {get{ return position.x; } set{ position.x = value; }}
public float y { get { return position.y; } set { position.y = value; } }
public float z { get { return position.z; } set { position.z = value; } }
public class Light
public Vector3 position = new Vector3();
private Vector3 _direction = new Vector3();
public bool isInfinite = false;
public float radius = 1.0f;
public Color col;
public float Normaliser(Vector3 vec)
return (float)Math.Sqrt((vec.x * vec.x) + (vec.y * vec.y) + (vec.z * vec.z));
public Light(Vector3 dirc, Vector3 pos, Color colr, bool infin = false, float rad = 1.0f)
position = pos;
direction = dirc;
isInfinite = infin;
radius = rad;
col = colr;
_direction = new Vector3(dirc.x / Normaliser(dirc), dirc.y / Normaliser(dirc), dirc.z / Normaliser(dirc));
public Light(Vector3 dirc, Vector3 pos)
position = pos;
direction = dirc;
isInfinite = true;
radius = 0.0f;
col = Colors.WhiteSmoke;
_direction = new Vector3(dirc.x / Normaliser(dirc), dirc.y / Normaliser(dirc), dirc.z / Normaliser(dirc));
public Light(Vector3 dirc)
direction = dirc;
isInfinite = true;
radius = 0.0f;
col = Colors.WhiteSmoke;
_direction = new Vector3(dirc.x / Normaliser(dirc), dirc.y / Normaliser(dirc), dirc.z / Normaliser(dirc));
public float x { get { return position.x; } set { position.x = value; } }
public float y { get { return position.y; } set { position.y = value; } }
public float z { get { return position.z; } set { position.z = value; } }
public Vector3 direction { get => _direction; set => _direction = new Vector3 (value.x / Normaliser(value), value.y / Normaliser(value), value.z / Normaliser(value)); }
namespace _2dEngine
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
int height, width;
WriteableBitmap wrBmp;
Mesh cube;
Mat4x matproj, matRotZ, matRotX;
float fTheta, fElapsedTime;
Camera maincam;
Light mainlight;
List<Trig> trigsToDraw = new List<Trig>();
void MultiplyMatrixVector(Vector3 i, Ref<Vector3> o, Mat4x m)
{ // multiply a vector and a 4x matrix to get a vector which we store in o.
Vector3 newVec = new Vector3
x = (i.x * m.matrix[0, 0]) + (i.y * m.matrix[1, 0]) + (i.z * m.matrix[2, 0]) + m.matrix[3, 0],
y = (i.x * m.matrix[0, 1]) + (i.y * m.matrix[1, 1]) + (i.z * m.matrix[2, 1]) + m.matrix[3, 1],
z = (i.x * m.matrix[0, 2]) + (i.y * m.matrix[1, 2]) + (i.z * m.matrix[2, 2]) + m.matrix[3, 2]
float w = (i.x * m.matrix[0, 3]) + (i.y * m.matrix[1, 3]) + (i.z * m.matrix[2, 3]) + m.matrix[3, 3];
if (w != 0.0f)
newVec.x /= w; newVec.y /= w; newVec.z /= w;
o.Value = newVec;
//return newVec;
void DrawTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, Color col)
wrBmp.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, col);
wrBmp.DrawLine(x2, y2, x3, y3, col);
wrBmp.DrawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, col);
void FillTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, Color col) => wrBmp.FillTriangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, col);
private void ViewPort_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
matproj = new Mat4x();
matRotZ = new Mat4x();
matRotX = new Mat4x();
width = (int)this.ViewPortContainer.ActualWidth;
height = (int)this.ViewPortContainer.ActualHeight;
wrBmp = BitmapFactory.New(width, height);
ViewPort.Source = wrBmp;
maincam = new Camera(BlankVector3(), width: width, height: height);
mainlight = new Light(new Vector3(0, 0, -1));
cube = new Mesh();
float fNear = 0.1f;
float fFar = 1000.0f;
float fFov = 90.0f;
float fAspectRatio = (float)width / (float)height;
float fFovRad = 1.0f / (float)Math.Tan((double)(fFov * 0.5f / 180.0f * 3.14159f));
fTheta = 1.0f;
matproj.matrix[0, 0] = fAspectRatio * fFovRad;
matproj.matrix[1, 1] = fFovRad;
matproj.matrix[2, 2] = fFar / (fFar - fNear);
matproj.matrix[3, 2] = (-fFar * fNear) / (fFar - fNear);
matproj.matrix[2, 3] = 1.0f;
matproj.matrix[3, 3] = 0.0f;
CompositionTarget.Rendering += CompostitionTarget_Rendering;
private void CompostitionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
Trig triRotatedZ, triRotatedZX, triTranslated;
// Rotation Z
matRotZ.matrix[0, 0] = (float)Math.Cos(fTheta);
matRotZ.matrix[0, 1] = (float)Math.Sin(fTheta);
matRotZ.matrix[1, 0] = (float)-Math.Sin(fTheta);
matRotZ.matrix[1, 1] = (float)Math.Cos(fTheta);
matRotZ.matrix[2, 2] = 1;
matRotZ.matrix[3, 3] = 1;
// Rotation X
matRotX.matrix[0, 0] = 1;
matRotX.matrix[1, 1] = (float)Math.Cos(fTheta * 0.5f);
matRotX.matrix[1, 2] = (float)Math.Sin(fTheta * 0.5f);
matRotX.matrix[2, 1] = 0 - (float)Math.Sin(fTheta * 0.5f);
matRotX.matrix[2, 2] = (float)Math.Cos(fTheta * 0.5f);
matRotX.matrix[3, 3] = 1;
fElapsedTime = (float)TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - GetCurrentProcess().StartTime.ToUniversalTime().Ticks).TotalSeconds; // Time open in ticks.
// Alternate theta
// fTheta += 1.0f;
fTheta += (1.5f * fElapsedTime / 600) / 4; // Rotate our cube
/// Debug shit
/// Console.WriteLine(fTheta);
foreach (Trig tri in cube.tris) // Iterate through each triangle and render it correctly
// setup trigs
triRotatedZ = BlankTrig();
triRotatedZX = BlankTrig();
// Rotate in Z-Axis
MultiplyMatrixVector(tri.points[0], new Ref<Vector3>( // First point rotation
setter: yes => { triRotatedZ.points[0] = yes; }, // our setter for the variable
getter: () => triRotatedZ.points[0]), matRotZ); // our getter
MultiplyMatrixVector(tri.points[1], new Ref<Vector3>( // Second point
setter: yes => { triRotatedZ.points[1] = yes; },
getter: () => triRotatedZ.points[1]), matRotZ);
MultiplyMatrixVector(tri.points[2], new Ref<Vector3>( // Etc
setter: yes => { triRotatedZ.points[2] = yes; },
getter: () => triRotatedZ.points[2]), matRotZ);
// Rotate in X-Axis
MultiplyMatrixVector(triRotatedZ.points[0], new Ref<Vector3>( // See above
setter: yes => { triRotatedZX.points[0] = yes; },
getter: () => triRotatedZX.points[0]), matRotX);
MultiplyMatrixVector(triRotatedZ.points[1], new Ref<Vector3>(
setter: yes => { triRotatedZX.points[1] = yes; },
getter: () => triRotatedZX.points[1]), matRotX);
MultiplyMatrixVector(triRotatedZ.points[2], new Ref<Vector3>(
setter: yes => { triRotatedZX.points[2] = yes; },
getter: () => triRotatedZX.points[2]), matRotX);
// Offset into the screen
triTranslated = triRotatedZX;
triTranslated.points[0].z = triRotatedZX.points[0].z + 120.0f;
triTranslated.points[1].z = triRotatedZX.points[1].z + 120.0f;
triTranslated.points[2].z = triRotatedZX.points[2].z + 120.0f;
// Use Cross-Product to get surface normal
Vector3 normal, line1, line2;
normal = line1 = line2 = BlankVector3();
line1 = triTranslated.points[1] - triTranslated.points[0];
line2 = triTranslated.points[2] - triTranslated.points[0];
normal.x = (line1.y * line2.z) - (line1.z * line2.y);
normal.y = (line1.z * line2.x) - (line1.x * line2.z);
normal.z = (line1.x * line2.y) - (line1.y * line2.x);
// It's normally normal to normalise the normal
float l = (float)Math.Sqrt((normal.x * normal.x) + (normal.y * normal.y) + (normal.z * normal.z));
normal /= l;
if (normal.x * (triTranslated.points[0].x - maincam.x) +
normal.y * (triTranslated.points[0].y - maincam.y) +
normal.z * (triTranslated.points[0].z - maincam.z) < 0.0f)
float dp = normal.x * mainlight.direction.x + normal.y * mainlight.direction.y + normal.z * mainlight.direction.z;
triTranslated.col = triTranslated.GetColour(dp, triTranslated.col);
// Project triangle from 3d to 2d
Trig triProj = new Trig(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
col = triTranslated.col
}; // make a blank triangle
MultiplyMatrixVector(triTranslated.points[0], new Ref<Vector3>( // First point projection
setter: yes => { triProj.points[0] = yes; },
getter: () => triProj.points[0]), matproj);
MultiplyMatrixVector(triTranslated.points[1], new Ref<Vector3>( // Second point
setter: yes => { triProj.points[1] = yes; },
getter: () => triProj.points[1]), matproj);
MultiplyMatrixVector(triTranslated.points[2], new Ref<Vector3>( // Etc
setter: yes => { triProj.points[2] = yes; },
getter: () => triProj.points[2]), matproj);
triProj.points[0].x += 1.0f; triProj.points[0].y += 1.0f;
triProj.points[1].x += 1.0f; triProj.points[1].y += 1.0f;
triProj.points[2].x += 1.0f; triProj.points[2].y += 1.0f;
triProj.points[0].x *= 0.5f * width;
triProj.points[0].y *= 0.5f * height;
triProj.points[1].x *= 0.5f * width;
triProj.points[1].y *= 0.5f * height;
triProj.points[2].x *= 0.5f * width;
triProj.points[2].y *= 0.5f * height;
trigsToDraw.Add(triProj); // Either this,
Array.Sort(trigsToDraw.ToArray()); // This,
foreach(Trig triDraw in trigsToDraw) // Or This is causing a performance drop
// Draw triangles
#if (wireframe)
DrawTriangle( // Draw wireframe for debug reasons, if you want.
Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0));
private static Vector3 BlankVector3()
return new Vector3();
private static Trig BlankTrig()
return new Trig(new Vector3(), new Vector3(), new Vector3());
我希望在不浪费太多内存的情况下将 3D 对象渲染到我的屏幕上。