在这篇文章中,我使用了@Eric Lippert 的异常分类,你可以在这里找到: Vexing exceptions
就像每个开发人员可能都经历过的那样,在大型企业软件中不可能 100% 避免愚蠢的异常。
我目前实现这一点的方法是在低级组件中显式捕获外生异常并将它们包装到自定义异常中。然后在顶层(在我的情况下是 MVVM WPF 应用程序的 ViewModel)中,我显式地捕获自定义异常,以显示警告。在第二个 catch 块中,我捕获一般异常以显示错误。
在阅读了这篇文章dotnetpro - Implementierungsausnahmen 之后,我还想知道,是否应该将所有(也是愚蠢的)异常包装到自定义异常中,以便在记录它们时提供更多上下文信息?
关于包装我发现以下帖子的所有异常:stackoverflow - 我应该捕获并包装一般异常吗?和stackoverflow - 我应该捕获所有可能的特定异常还是只捕获一般异常并将其包装在自定义异常中? 它似乎很有争议并且取决于用例,所以我不确定我的情况。
ViewModel 中高级捕获处理程序的示例:
public class MainWindowViewModel
private readonly ICustomerRepository _customerRepository;
public MainWindowViewModel(ICustomerRepository customerRepository)
_customerRepository = customerRepository;
PromoteCustomerCommand = new DelegateCommand(PromoteCustomer);
public ICommand PromoteCustomerCommand { get; }
private void PromoteCustomer()
Customer customer = _customerRepository.GetById(1);
catch (DataStoreLoadException ex)
// A expected exogenous exception. Show a localized message with some hints and log as warning.
Log(LogLevel.Warning, ex);
ShowMessage("Unable to promote customer. It could not be loaded. Try to...", ex);
catch (Exception ex)
// A unexpected boneheaded exception. Show a localized message, so that the users contacts the support and log as error.
Log(LogLevel.Error, ex);
ShowMessage("Unable to promote customer because of an unknown error. Please contact support@example.com", ex);
public class SqlCustomerRepository : ICustomerRepository
public Customer GetById(long id)
return GetFromDatabase(id);
catch (SqlException ex)
// Wrap the exogenous SqlException in a custom exception. The caller of ICustomerRepository should not depend on any implementation details, like that the data is stored in a SQL database.
throw new DataStoreLoadException($"Unable to get the customer with id {id} from SQL database.", ex);
// All other exceptions bubble up the stack without beeing wrapped. Is it a good idea, or should I do something like this to provide additional context? (Like the id in this case)
/*catch (Exception ex)
throw new DataStoreException($"Unknown error while loading customer with id {id} from SQL database.", ex);