当我使用 snmp-walk 或 snmp-get 等工具查询返回类型为 MacAddress 的 OID 时,它总是将数据解析为 HexString 并正确显示。即使他们没有加载 MIB,它仍然可以工作。

bash#snmpwalk -v 2c -c public
    SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14179. = Hex-STRING: 10 BD 18 CE D4 40 
    SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14179. = Hex-STRING: 64 E9 50 97 72 C0 

但是,我似乎无法从Lextm.SharpSnmpLib (11.2.0). MacAddress 的数据类型未正确解码,将其转换为正确的 MAC 是一个手动过程。

public void WalkTable()
    const string baseOid = ""; //The entire table
    const string community = "public";

    var ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 161);
    var results = new List<Variable>();
    Messenger.Walk(VersionCode.V2, ep, new OctetString(community), new ObjectIdentifier(baseOid), results, 60000, WalkMode.WithinSubtree);

    foreach(var v in results)




1 回答 1


您将 MAC 地址输出为 ASCII 而不是十六进制。这是我放在一起的一种快速方法,它将检测非 ascii 字符并在找到时输出为十六进制。

public void WalkTable()
    const string baseOid = ""; //The entire table
    const string community = "public";

    var ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 161);
    var results = new List<Variable>();
    Messenger.Walk(VersionCode.V2, ep, new OctetString(community), new ObjectIdentifier(baseOid), results, 60000, WalkMode.WithinSubtree);

    foreach(var v in results)
        //If the result is an OctetString, check for ascii, otherwise use ToString()
        Console.WriteLine(v.Data.TypeCode.ToString()=="OctetString" ? DecodeOctetString(v.Data.ToBytes()) : v.Data.ToString())

public string DecodeOctetString(byte[] raw)
    //First 2 bytes are the Type, so remove them
    byte[] bytes = new byte[raw.Length - 2];
    Array.Copy(raw, 2, bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

    //Check if there are any non-ascii characters
    bool ascii = true;
    foreach (char c in Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes))
        if (c >= 128)
            ascii = false;

    //If it's all ascii, return as ascii, else convert to hex
    return ascii ? Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes) : BitConverter.ToString(bytes);
于 2019-08-02T19:28:18.303 回答