如果有任何计划的定期维护,我们将显示 URL、VPN 和 VM 的 SLA 图表,我们希望将 KQL SLA 图表中的时间排除为已知停机时间。
在此期间,我们通过 powershell 禁用警报,我们将以下列传递给 Loganalytics 自定义表。
"resourcename": "$resourcename",
"Alertstate": "Enabled",
"Scheduledmaintenance" : "stop",
"Environment" : "UAT",
"timestamp": "$TimeStampField",
Now we want to use join condition SLA charts queries with custom table data and exclude the time range in SLA charts during scheduled maintenance.
Adding query as per request
| where Uri_s contains "xxxx"
| extend Availablity = iff(StatusCode_d ==200,1.000,0.000)
| extend urlhit = 1.000
| summarize PassCount = sum(Availablity), TestCount = sum(urlhit) by Uri_s ,ClientName_s
| extend AVLPERCENTAGE = ((PassCount / TestCount ) * 100)
| join kind=leftouter
( scheduledmaintenance2_CL
| where ResourceName_s == "VMname"
| where ScheduledMaintenance_s == "start"
| extend starttime = timestamp_t)
on ClientName_s
| join kind= leftouter
| where ResourceName_s == "VMname"
| where ScheduledMaintenance_s == "stop"
| extend stoptime = timestamp_t )
on ClientName_s
| extend excludedtime=stoptime - starttime
| project ClientName_s, ResourceName_s, excludedtime, AVLPERCENTAGE , Uri_s
| top 3 by ClientName_s desc