
使用 Gherkin、Cucumber 和 nightwatch.js,我需要在用户点击保存之前测试窗口中的总显示,但我还需要在用户点击保存后测试窗口外的值。但是根据我对 Gherkin 的理解,有两个 when 语句是不好的做法。但是如果我把它分成两个场景,他们会互相依赖。


Scenario: Modify data in the data window
  Given the window is open
  When I modify the data inside the window
  Then the total amount should reflect that change
  When I click save
  Then the data should save
   And the processed data should reflect my changes

1 回答 1



Scenario: Modify data in the data window
  Given the window is open
  When I modify the data inside the window
  Then the total amount should reflect that change
  And I click save
  And the data should save
  And the processed data should reflect my changes


Scenario: Modify data in the data window
  Given the window is open
  When I modify the data inside the window
  Then the total amount should reflect that change

Scenario: Save data in the data window
  Given I have modified data inside the window
  When I click save
  Then the data should save
   And the processed data should reflect my changes
于 2019-07-08T19:19:27.713 回答